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Voyager quotes from the Fourth Season

75. The Year of Hell, Part 1

"Technologically advanced but nonconfrontational. Their resistant quotient is quite low." -- Seven. 

"Who would have thought that this eclectic group of Voyagers could actually become a family? Starfleet,
Maquis, Human, Talaxian, hologram, Borg -- even Mr. Paris." -- the Doctor. 

"Seven, we could use a little Borg efficiency right about now." -- Janeway. 

76. The Year of Hell, Part 2
"There are seven other crew members on board. You're the captain. Delegate." -- The Doctor. "It is offensive. Fortunately, taste is irrelevant." -- Seven. "Remember this guideline: the Captain is always right." -- Tuvok to Seven. "I'll consider them mementos." -- Janeway to the Doctor about her scars. "Curious, I have never understood the human compulsion to emotionally bond with inanimate objects. This vessel has done nothing. it is an assemblage of bulkheads, conduits, tritanium...nothing more." -- Tuvok.
77. Random Thoughts
"I mean, you're involved now. You won't be availing yourself of all the beautiful, fascinating, and very open-minded Mari woman. -- Neelix. "Are you trying to depress me?" -- Paris. "You can return to duty, Lieutenant. Though perhaps with one or two fewer violent engrams in the fiery head of yours." -- the Doctor. "There are plenty more where those came from." -- Torres. "Duly warned." -- the Doctor.
78. Concerning Flight
"I feel like we've just been mugged." - Paris "Fire at will." - Janeway. "I have the will but not the means, Captain. Targeting control is down." - Tuvok.
79. Mortal Coil
"Don't throw away a lifetime of faith because of one anomalous incident." -- Chakotay to Neelix. "In these maturation chambers, the development of conversational skill is, I suppose, a low priority?" -- Doctor to Seven. "You will be assimilated." -- Seven. "No time for that now. Maybe later." -- Neelix. "We're your family now." -- Chakotay. "It's not enough." -- Neelix replies.
80. Waking Moments
"I don't suppose I should ask why you were undressed." -- Janeway. "I would prefer that you didn't." -- Tuvok. "We seem to have a knack for provoking strangers these days." -- Janeway.
81. Message in a Bottle
"Good luck, Doctor." -- Janeway. "There's that word again." -- Doctor. What are you doing here?" -- EMH Mark II. "If you disengage your vocal subroutines for one second, I'll explain." -- the Doctor. "He'll live. I say we leave him and deactivate ourselves." -- EMH Mark II "I was saving Voyager from annihilation when you were only a gleam in your programmer's eye." -- the Doctor to EMH Mark II. "Let's just say I made an addition to my program." -- the Doctor. "You know, you really should keep a personal log. Why bore others needlessly?" -- the Doctor to EMH Mark II "Stop breathing down my neck." -- the Doctor. "My breathing is a simulation." -- EMH Mark II. "So is my neck. Stop it anyway." -- the Doctor. "My brilliant existence cut short. No time to explore the universe. No time to smell the roses. No time" -- EMH Mark II

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