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Starship Classes from the Star Trek Movies

Name                	Reg.code            	Class              	Captain	Status         			Film
USS Bozeman         	-                   	-                  	-            	-               	Star Trek 7-Generations
USS Columbia        	NCC-621             	-                  	-            	-               	Star Trek 1-The Motion Picture
USS Copernicus      	NCC-623             	Oberth             	-            	-               	Star Trek 4-The Voyage Home
Copernicus      	NCC-1701 #3   		Shuttle            	-            	Abandoned 		Star Trek 5-The Final Frontier
USS Entente         	NCC-21249        	-                  	-            	-               	Star Trek 1-The Motion Picture
USS Enterprise      	NCC-1701 refit   	R.Constitution     	Decker/Kirk  	Destroyed   		Star Trek 1-The Motion Picture
USS Enterprise      	NCC-1701-A       	R.Constitution     	Kirk         	-               	Star Trek 4-The Voyage Home
USS Enterprise      	NCC-1701-B      	R.Excelsior        	Harriman     	-               	Star Trek 7-Generations
USS Enterprise      	NCC-1701-E     		Sovereign          	Picard       	-               	Star Trek 8-First Contact
USS Excelsior        	NX-2000            	Excelsior          	Styles       	-               	Star Trek 3-The Search for Spock
USS Excelsior       	NCC-2000           	Excelsior          	Sulu         	-               	Star Trek 6-The Undiscovered Country
Galileo         	NCC-1701 #5     	Shuttle            	-            	-               	Star Trek 5-The Final Frontier
USS Grissom         	NCC-638             	Oberth             	Esteban      	Destroyed   		Star Trek 3-The Search for Spock
Kobayashi Maru  	-                   	Class 3 Carrier  	Vance        	-               	Star Trek 2-The Wrath of Khan
SS Lakul           	-                   	Whorfin            	-            	-               	Star Trek 7-Generations
USS Lexington       	-                   	-                  	-            	-               	Star Trek 8-First Contact
USS Reliant         	NCC-1864        	Miranda            	Terrel       	Destroyed  		Star Trek 2-The Wrath of Khan
USS Revere          	NCC-595             	-                  	-            	-               	Star Trek 1-The Motion Picture
SS Robert Fox      	-                   	Whorfin            	-            	Destroyed   		Star Trek 7-Generations
USS Saratoga        	NCC-1867          	Miranda            	-            	-               	Star Trek 4-The Voyage Home
Surak           	-                   	Warp shuttle       	-            	-               	Star Trek 1-The Motion Picture

unknown apperance:

USS Ambassador      	NX-10521      		Ambassador     		-            	-               	-
USS Bonestell       	NCC-31600         	Oberth             	-            	Destroyed   		-
USS Constellation   	NCC-1974         	Constellation      	-            	-               	-
USS Constitution    	NCC-1700          	Constitution       	-            	-               	-
USS Eagle           	NCC-956  refit     	R.Constitution     	-            	-               	-
USS Galaxy           	NX-70637           	Galaxy             	-            	-               	- 
USS Hokkaido        	-                   	Renaissance     	-            	-               	-  
USS Prokofiev       	NCC-68814        	Andromeda         	-            	-               	-
USS Yellowstone     	NCC-70073       	Sequoia            	-            	-               	-

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