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Starship Classes from The Next Generation

Enterprise D schematic borrowed from one of the greatest Star Trek sites on the web: Holodeck 3

Name                	Reg.code            	Class              	Captain	Status         		Episode
USS Adelphi     	NCC-26849     		Ambassador        	Darson       	-               Tin Man
USS Agamemnon     	NCC-11638      		Apollo             	-            	-               -
USS Ahwahnee        	NCC-71620        	Cheyenne           	-            	Destroyed  	-
USS Ajax            	NCC-11574       	Apollo             	Narth        	-               Where No Man Has Gone Before
USS Akagi           	NCC-62158        	Rigel              	-            	-               -
USS Arcos           	NCC-6237        	Deneva             	-            	Destroyed   	-
USS Ares		-			-			-		-		The Icarus Factor
USS Aries           	NCC-45167       	Renaissance     	-            	-               -
SS Artemis         	-                   	Colony ship        	-            	-               The Ensings Of Command
USS Berlin          	NCC-14232       	Excelsior          	-            	-               Angle One
USS Biko            	NCC-50331        	Oberth             	-            	-               -
USS Bozeman         	NCC-1941         	Soyuz              	Bateson      	-               Cause And Effect
USS Bradbury         	NX-72307           	Bradbury           	-            	-               Menage A Troi
USS Brattain        	NCC-21166        	R.Miranda          	-            	-              	Night Terrors
USS Brittain        	NCC-21166      		R.Miranda          	-            	-               -
USS Buran           	NCC-57580        	Challenger         	-            	Destroyed  	-
USS Cairo           	NCC-42136        	Excelsior          	Jellico      	-               Chain Of Command
USS Charleston      	NCC-42285       	Excelsior          	-            	-               The Neutral Zone
USS Chekov          	NCC-53702   		Springfield        	-            	Destroyed   	-
USS Clement         	NCC-12537        	Apollo             	-            	-               -
USS Concorde        	NCC-68711        	Freedom            	-            	-               -
USS Constantinople 	NCC-34852      		Instanbul          	-            	-               The Schizoid Man
Cousteau        	-                   	Shuttlepod type 15 -           	-               	-
USS Crazy Horse     	NCC-50446        	Excelsior          	-            	-               The Pegasus
Curie			-			Shuttle type 6		-		Stolen		Parallels
USS Drake		NCC-20381		Wambundu		Rice		Destroyes	The Arsenal Of Freedom
El-Baz          	-                   	Shuttlepod type 15 -            	-               -
USS Endeavor        	NCC-71805        	Nebula             	-            	-               -
USS Enterprise      	NCC-1701-C      	Ambassador       	Garrett      	Destroyed   	Yesterday´s Enterprise
USS Enterprise      	NCC-1701-D      	Galaxy             	Picard       	Destroyed   	-
USS Essex           	NCC-173             	Daedalus           	Shumar       	Destroyed   	Power Play
USS Excalibur       	NCC-26517        	Ambassador    		-            	-               -
USS Fearless        	NCC-14598       	Excelsior          	-            	-               Where No Man Has Gone Before
Fermi           	-                   	Shuttle type 6     	-            	-               -
Feynman         	-                   	Shuttle type 6     	-            	-               -
USS Firebrand       	NCC-68723       	Freedom            	-            	Destroyed 	-
USS Fleming         	NCC-20316     		Wambundu     		-            	Abandoned	-
USS Gage            	NCC-11672    		Apollo             	-            	Destroyed   	Emissary
USS Gandhi          	NCC-26632        	Ambassador      	-            	-               Second Chances
USS Gettysburg      	NCC-3890       		Constellation    	Jameson      	-               Too Short A Season
USS Goddard         	NCC-59621       	Korolev            	-            	-               The Vengeane Factor
Goddard         	-                   	Shuttle type 6     	-            	-               -
USS Gorkon          	NCC-40521       	Excelsior          	Nechayev     	-               -
USS Grissom         	NCC-42857      		Excelsior          	-            	-               The Most Toys
USS Hathaway        	NCC-2593          	Constellation      	Riker        	Aband./Recoverd Peak Performance
USS Havana          	NCC-34043       	Instabul           	-            	-               -
Hawking         	-                   	Shuttle type 7     	-            	-               -
USS Hera            	NCC-62006    		Nebula             	LaForge      	Lost/Destroyed  Interface
USS Hermes          	NCC-10376       	Antares            	-            	-               -
USS Hood            	NCC-42296        	Excelsior          	DeSoto       	-               Encounter At Farpoint
USS Horatio         	NCC-10532        	Ambassador    		Keel         	Destroyed 	Conspiracy
USS Intrepid        	NCC-38907      		Excelsior          	-            	-               Sins Of The Fathers
USS Jenolen         	NCC-2010           	Sydney             	-            	Destroyed   	Relics
Justman         	NCC-1701-D #3 		Shuttle type 6     	-            	-               -
USS Kearsage        	NCC-57566    		Challenger         	-            	-               -
USS Kyushu          	NCC-65491     		New Orleans     	-            	Destroyed   	Emissary
USS La Salle        	NCC-6203           	Deneva             	-            	-               -
SS Lallo		-			-			Carrier		-		We´ll Always Have Paris			
USS Lalo            	NCC-43837        	Mediterranean    	-            	Lost            The Best Of Both Worlds
USS Lantree         	NCC-1837 refit   	R.Miranda          	Tolaka       	Destroyed   	Unnatural Selection
USS Lexington       	NCC-14427     		Nebula             	-            	-               -
USS Magellan        	NCC-3069      		Constellation      	Conklin      	-               -
Magellan        	NCC-1701-D #15  	Shuttle type 6    	-            	Destroyed 	-
SS Mariposa        	-                   	DY-500             	Granger      	Destroyed       Up The Long Ladder
USS Melbourne		-			-			-		-		11001001, Emissary, Best Of Both Worlds
USS Merrimac        	NCC-61827    		Nebula             	-            	-               Sarek
SS Milan           	NDT-50863        	-                  	-            	-               -
USS Monitor         	NCC-61826        	Nebula             	-            	-               The Defector
USS Nobel           	NCC-55012    		Olympic            	-            	-              	-
SS Odin            	NGL-12535         	-                  	-            	Abandoned	-
USS Odin		-			Carrier			Ramsey		Abandoned	Angle One
Onizuka         	-                   	Shuttlepod type 15 	-            	-               -
USS Pasteur         	NCC-58928       	Olympic            	-            	-               -
USS Pegasus         	NCC-53847       	Oberth             	Pressman   	Lost/recovered  -
USS Phoenix         	NCC-65420       	Nebula             	Maxwell      	-               The Wounded
Pike            	-                   	Shuttlepod type 15 	-            	Destroyed   	The Most Toys
USS Potemkin        	NCC-18253      		Excelsior         	-            	-               Peak Performance
USS Princeton       	NCC-59804    		Niagara            	-            	Destroyed   	-

Starship Classes R-Y

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