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Voyager quotes from the Third Season

42. Basics Part II
"You're more talented in the art of deception than you led me to believe." -- Seska. "I was inspired by the presence of a master." -- the Doctor. "What am I supposed to do? Lead a revolt with the gang from Sandrine's? Conjure up holograms of Nathan Hale and Che Guevara? I'm a doctor, not a counter-insurgent...Get a hold of yourself. You're not just a hologram, you're a Starfleet hologram." -- the Doctor.
43. Flashback
"Mr. Neelix, I would prefer not to hear the life history of my breakfast." -- Tuvok "That is a most illogical line of reasoning." -- Ensign Tuvok. "You better believe it." -- Captain Sulu.
44. The Chute
"You want to know what I remember? Someone saying, 'This man is my friend. Nobody touches him.' I'll remember that for a long time." -- Paris to Kim.
45. The Swarm
"All the soprani seem to have the most irritating personalities. These woman are arrogant, superior, and condescending. I can't imagine anyone behaving that way." -- Doctor to Kes, who just smiles. "I can see where you got your charming personality." -- Torres. "Not to mention my hairline." -- the Doctor. "You filled your memory with nonsense." -- the Matrix. "It was only during my off hours." -- the Doctor. "You're supposed to be off during your off hours." -- Matrix.
46. False Profits
"I am the Holy Pilgrim and I've come to tell you there's another verse to the song. It's...'Please don't burn the holy ones.'" -- Neelix. "I'm sorry, Holy Pilgrim, but that's not part of the song." -- Kafar (who's about to set Neelix on fire).
47. Remember
"Satisfying your curiosity is not worth brain damage." -- the Doctor.
48. Sacred Ground
"Go on back to your ship and play with your...molecular microscanner!" -- Grumpy Old Man (or spirit) to Janeway. "So you believe your science can find you the answers no matter what? Now, that's faith." -- the Ancestral Spirits (or grumpy old people) to Janeway.
49. Future's End
"Vulcans, deep down you're all just a bunch of hypochondriacs." -- Paris to Tuvok. "Who's been here? Who took my pencils?" --Braxton. "This lab is pretty groovy." -- Paris. "Who are you people and what is that thing in your pants?" -- Rain Robinson. "I beg your pardon." -- Tuvok. "Time travel, from my first day on the job as captain I promised myself I'd never let myself get caught up in one of these God-forsaken paradoxes. The future is the past; the past is the future. It all gives me a headache." -- Janeway.
50. Future's End Part II
"Would you please hand me a burrito?" -- Tuvok. "If my history is accurate, Southern California in the late 20th Century had no shortage of psychotherapists." -- the Doctor. "And you, Mr. Leisure Suit." -- Rain. "Now there's a name I hadn't considered." -- the Doctor. "God help us." -- Freman-like Guy. "Divine intervention seems unlikely." -- the Doctor. "Tuvok, has anyone ever told you you're a real freakasaurus?" -- Paris.
51. Warlord
"Every citizen must have a garden." -- Kes as an evil warlord snarling orders.
52. The Q and the Gray
"The night is young, and the sheets are satin." -- Q to Janeway. "Foreplay with a Q can last for decades." -- Q. "What are you doing with that dog? I'm not talking about the puppy." -- SuzyQ to Q (Janeway is there as well). "You, Helm-boy!" -- SuzyQ to Paris.
53. Macrocosm
"Grab a phaser, Ambassador. We're going to get some answers." -- Janeway teaching Neelix about cowboy diplomacy. "One down. Ten billion to go." -- the Doctor.
54. Fair Trade
"The people on Voyager are my friends." -- Neelix. "Friends! You've already told me, there're ready to put you off the ship." -- Wixiban. "Go ahead. You'd be doing me a favor. I have nothing to lose." -- Neelix to a phaser-toting baddie.
55. Alter Ego
"You're in love with a computer subroutine?" -- Tuvok to Kim. "Everyone falls for a holodeck character sometime." -- Paris, and if anyone should be able to say this, I'm sure it's he. "I think you put just a little too much thought into that, Tom." -- Torres. "But what about you, Tuvok? Will you always be alone?" -- Marina.

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