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Voyager quotes from the Third Season

56. Coda
"If I miss, I get to be captain." -- Chakotay. "You will come into my matrix, Captain, and you will nourish me for a very long time." -- Alien. "Go back to Hell, coward." -- Janeway.
57. Blood Fever
"She bit me...and she seemed to be enjoying it, in a Klingon kind of way...She's really not herself." -- Paris. "I hope Lt. Torres isn't too upset with me." -- Vorik. "With Lt. Torres, 'upset' is a relative term." -- the Doctor. "Are you saying that I'm impossible to resist?" -- Paris. "I wouldn't go that far." -- Torres. "Good." -- Paris. "This isn't about the gun. This is about sex." -- Paris. "If anyone is going to smash your arrogant little face in, I will. I take your challenge myself." -- Torres.
58. Unity
"I must say, there's nothing like the vacuum of space for preserving a handsome corpse." -- the Doctor. "I want to be closer to you." -- Riley to Chakotay, adding a new Trek sexual euphemism to a long list.
59. The Darkling
"It is said the angels themselves take pleasure in their bodies of light." -- Lord Byron. "And you should take a cold bath." -- Gandhi. "Have you been...naughty?" -- the Doctor to Torres. "Behavioral categories are for the weak." -- Evil Doc. "Put those down before someone gets hurt and I have to clean up the mess." -- the Doctor to security.
60. Rise
"I'm looking for Mr. Neelix's instinct. Perhaps it will be marked." -- Torres. "It's strange, but I really like him. I only wish the feeling were mutual." -- Neelix. "One day your intuition will fail and you will finally understand that logic is primary above all else. 'Instinct' is merely another term for 'serendipity.'" -- Tuvok. "One day, Mr. Vulcan, I'll get you to trust your gut." -- Neelix. "That is doubtful." -- Tuvok. "We'll see." -- Neelix. "Your attempts have yet to succeed." -- Tuvok. "You always have to get in that last word, don't ya?" -- Neelix. "I am simply responding to your erroneous statement." -- Tuvok. "Something tells me you just hate to lose an argument." -- Neelix. "Losing is irrelevant." -- Tuvok. "See what I mean?" -- Neelix. "No [cue music], I do not." -- Tuvok.
61. Favorite Son
"Is this the standard welcome home reception?" -- Paris. "For males it is. They're very rare. Our population is 90% female." -- Tamen. "Really???" -- Paris. "Battlestations." -- Janeway. As Voyager fans know, hearing her say this word is a real highlight of the show. "You're reliable, hard-working, extremely punctual...did I mention polite?" -- Paris to Kim.
62. Before and After
"It's good to see that old lung is still working, Kessy." -- Neelix. "In all my years in Starfleet, I've never come across a phenomenon quite like this." -- Janeway, and meant as an insider's joke, I think. We have come awfully close to this phenomenon, but nothing quite like this. "Careful Paris, you may find out you leave the ship and join a monastary." -- Chakotay
63. Real Life
"You're not going to learn anything from being with these lollipops." -- Torres to Doc. "You're in fine physical shape, Lieutenant. You may go ahead and engage in this reckless activity." -- Doc to Paris. "Rorg turned his fierce eyes upon her and M'Naya felt her heart begin to quicken even as her hand reached for her dagger." -- Paris to Torres. "It's all right. Go to sleep. We're all right here." -- Doc to his dying daughter.
64. Distant Origin
"Male and female interacting. Let's observe." -- Gegen to Veer about Paris and Torres. "It would appear that we've underestimated our endotherms." -- Gegen to Veer. "Do you always harpoon the local wildlife?" -- Chakotay to Gegen in the perfect Chakotay joke. "Tuvok, I hope that's your stomach." -- Paris to Tuvok after they hear some Voth clicking in a dark corridor.
65. Displaced
"I am not HOSTILE!" -- Torres. "Welcome to Sickbay. Take a number." -- The Doctor, reminding us that some expressions will never die. "Then I can begin my new career as a tricorder." -- the Doctor.
66. Worst Case Scenario
"Well, it's not as if I caught you dancing the rhumba with a naked Bolian." -- Paris to Torres. "You've just threatened the wrong woman, Chakotay." -- Janeway. "With all due respect, Mr. Tuvok, loosen up." -- Janeway. "I just have a couple of comments...about the Neelix character --" -- Neelix. "How surprising." -- Tuvok. "I guess we should have known Seska wouldn't let a little thing like death stop her from getting even." -- Paris. "Who says deus ex machina is an outdated literary device?" -- Janeway. "Ah, just great. Maybe we can go to the messhall now and let the holographic Neelix burn my arm with a frying pan." -- Paris.
67. Scorpion, Part I
"Better to ride the rapids than face the hive." -- Paris. "Think good thoughts." -- Janeway. "But the Borg aren't exactly known for their diplomacy." -- Neelix, giving new oomph to a tired expression.

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