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75S-1 Oblique Sounder Receiver

The Oblique Sounder Receiver is a receiver used in analysis of the of the ionosphere to determine the best avaliable frequency for a known path between two points on the earths surface.

The I.D. tag

The I.D. tag identifies the manufacturer as being Sylvania, which has since been taken over by GTE. I have had no response from them in regards to this particular receiver.

The modified 75S-1

The mystery of this unit has been solved. I will be putting information here as soon as I get to writing up a story about this remarkable transformation of a 75S-1. What I have managed to get is the schematics and the original modification notes which will to enable me to get the unit back in operating condition. As is, the unit is functioning (no smoke) but is extremely deaf and has an IF that is very broad.

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