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 Make It  So......
(composed for a high school graduation;
 each graduate receiving a mylar balloon)

This balloon for you alone, is like a ship ashore;
 "Boats are safest in the harbor, but that’s not what boats are for."

Ships are made for sailing; adventures unforeseen.
 Some gentle drifting, and some storms, to be where you’ve not been.

To search the sea for answers; to know the vast unknown,
 To conquer fear, to understand the ecstasy to go…

When whitecaps fill horizons, vessels to and fro are thrown.
 The more the ropes become entangled — the harder to leave home.

But ships are made for witnessing the awesome tides that sweep
 Steering leeward with the wind, stirring souls as well as sleep.

Some warm, clear night, when stars are out, this ship must take its wing;
 Tied to its tail your future hopes and dreams and other things.

Tie to the string Aladin’s touch - three wishes for yourself,
 And one to make the world a better place for someone else.

Add to that, three things you’ve done to complement your growth;
 And two more things that no one thinks you’ll do except yourself.

Think then of one regret, for which you wish you could change the past.
 Tie it firmly to the string... you will let it go at last.

Two anguished times in which you came out stronger for the fight;
 One challenge that you still must face, now that your attitude is right.

As it drifts above the heavens with your hopes and dreams aboard;
 Venturing to the vast unknown, no longer earthly moored,

Remember that when things look bleak, from all the way down hear,
 Your spirit rides an awesome path; your dreams are safe up there.

Up there, it rides the universe, to witness sights that no one’s seen;
 To conquer fear, to grow in love; it’s up to you do to the same.

And if you should lose sight of it- become entangled in some port;
 Remember that your spirit rides the universe at dark.

And if you ever see your ship returning from the sky,
Your job’s to send it back again—and send it even higher.

To keep it high and buoyant, requires letting go;
 My thoughts and prayers will keep it up…
                                     now, as Piquard says,
  "Make It So!"
by D.K.Walker