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Performed from approximately 14 August 9:00 PM EST through 15 August 1:00 AM EST. Yup, swimming in the dark... Beth (Tony's wife) was really happy about this. :o) She should have gone along!!!

These pictures are pretty much self explanatory... except the first one...

Choosing the rowboat to spend 4 hours in!

I DROVE THIS TRUCK on the 'main drag' to Pellston, and all over the place at 35 mph.

My view from the driver's seat. Yeah, they're as crazy as they look.

View out the back of the truck (with the boat hanging off), courtesy of Michelle.

If you want this for your desktop wallpaper (AND I KNOW YOU DO!), this pic is a link to the large version...

Moments before immersion... :o)

Bye guys! I'm driving back to camp...