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July 19, 2001

The last couple of days have been spent on writing the introduction and experimental methods parts of my paper. The experimental methods part, I assume, should be the longest part of the paper. When I typed it all out and double-spaced it, it was 5 pages! I don't know if that's good or bad yet... I gave a copy to Jon and a copy to Alice so they can hack and slash at it. ;o) I still have questions about some things too -- so it will be good to talk to them tomorrow morning about what I can change. I've never done anything like this before so I don't really know how to do it! I hope they give me some good advice...

I have also been attempting to hook up the LI-COR and the anemometer to the AMS computer. It has not been entirely successful. I think I actually get some data output now but it is kinda screwy. I don't know what kind of values I should be getting though, so maybe it's not so bad... Hopefully I can be more efficient with my time once Jon gets back and helps me with the next steps of this project.

I took a trip to the Cheboygan today to search for new headphones. I have been going nuts because I broke my old pair!!! They were so awesome... One of the ear-parts came disconnected so I tried to solder it back together. ;o) It worked for about 15 minutes and it came apart again. The metal thing that holds it on is totally broken. :o( I went to Radio Shack first and found one pair like what I was looking for -- but it felt horrible... So I went to Wal-Mart and ended up buying some Koss headphones there. I feel bad for supporting Wal-Mart but hey... there isn't much in Cheboygan.

TONIGHT is karaoke night at Hoppie's. Tons of people are going! Most of the REU students were going to have to take measurements tonight because we were in southerly flow, but I guess it has switched to some other direction and now we're all going to Hoppie's too. I'm bringing my camera along -- but I only have 4 pictures left! I might have to bring another roll...