To My Sweetheart a sweet soft gentle poem of love
You have created something beautiful and new in my life,
That was never there before I met You.
With you, I have found new meaning
In each moment that life brings,
And in all of our love and closeness,
I’ve found something within… a confidence,
A strength I never knew existed without You

Having you to believe in, and having You to believe in me,
Has made it easier, to trust and believe in myself.

My relationship with you has opened up a whole new world to me
That is filled with growth and change and self discovery.
I’ve learned so much about myself, with You to show the way,
You have made me realize how good it feels,
To give, to share, to be with you each day.

You are indeed, my truest inspiration
And my reason for happiness.
You are the everlasting joy,
You are the person, who is everything to me,
My Best Friend, My Love and My Life
I Love You

Unforgetable U Give Me Fever The choice I'll make
Love Letters I Know Thank U Sweetheart
Believe In Me To My Love Internet Angel
If I Only Knew I Love You We Share
Funny but True To A Son Mother
Till Death Do Us A Reason Wisdom
I Cross my heart You Are Special Friendship
My Pet Buddah You and Me Scarlet Love Letter
4 A Real Friend The Way We Were Scent of a woman
Mom My Heart Part of YOU
I'll Be There Always Anniverary Poem
I May be the one Back At one Youv'e Got a friend
To My Sweetheart The Stars Venus
My Reason 4 Living How Much I.L.Y Love the way You

Happy Valentine's Day Sweetheart

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