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The Birthday Surprise

By Lisa R.

Chapter IV

Lou couldn't believe she had been complaining about the Kid and the bunk bed only a few days ago. Now she was missing the noises and movements of a full bunkhouse and especially him. The sun was up and Lou jumped down from her top bunk to begin her day. She wanted to get some breakfast before Cody rose and got it all. Today they were going to town and she wanted to see if he acted funny again.

Breakfast was a quick meal as it usually was on town days. Lou mounted Lightning and rode towards downtown Sweetwater with Ike, Cody and Buck while Noah drove Rachel in the wagon.

"Good day Rachel."

"Good morning Mr. Tompkins. We have quite a list today."

"I always like the express' business, Rachel. Hey Cody! Watch what you're doing or you're gonna have to buy all those you break!"

Rachel smiled and shook her head. She knew the boys would be up to no good with in minutes of reaching the town's only dry goods store. "Sorry Mr. Tompkins, you know boys."

Lou wandered Tompkins store and tried to follow after Cody, who was always getting into things. She tried to watch him to see if he picked up any gloves. She would foil his plan for her gift before he knew what hit him.

Before she knew it, they had wandered into the dress racks. Lou stared wistfully at all the beautiful dresses she could never wear. She picked up a lavender hat and held it for a few seconds. The matching dress hung nearby. Maybe she could get it for her special day with Kid. But how would she buy a dress in Sweetwater. All of her other dresses were from other cities, stops on the express runs, not places where people knew her. Lou returned the hat to the table and took off to follow Cody again.

"Lou, be a dear and run this stuff over to Teaspoon for me. I have a few more things to pick up here, but we should be able to meet you by the horses in 10 minutes."

"Sure Rachel, but why can't we all go when we're done? I have to help load the wagon." She didn't want to let Cody out of her site.

"The other boys will get it. I just want to make sure Teaspoon has these supplies. Last week I forgot to leave them off before heading home and you know how grumpy he gets without his coffee. Run along, we're almost done here."

Lou took the supplies from Rachel's outstretched hands and with a quick glance at Cody, who was reading the latest adventure novel; she headed out the door and south through town towards the Marshal's office. Maybe it would be a good idea to visit with him. He might be able to offer some insight into Kid's devious behavior.

As soon as the door shut the riders rushed to Rachel's side. "Ok boys, we've got little time so make it quick. I'll get the provisions for the dinner. Noah, you get that purple dress and hat Lou was admiring. Tell Tompkins it's for your sister who you're off to see if he asks. Cody and Ike, this is the gift list and everyone's money. Get everything on that list; We're trusting you. Buck you watch the door and let us know the minute you see Lou leave Teaspoon's office. Now go, hurry!"

"Rachel, what on earth is going on here? You have those boys wound up like toy tops. "

"We're planning a surprise birthday for Lou. Mr. Tompkins, we only have a few minutes while he's gone. I need these things for the dinner and cake could you please hurry?"

"I'll do my best. This sure is a list."

"We have some special company coming."

Cody raced around getting the gifts everyone had chosen for Lou. He knew she was expecting gloves from him, but he was only trying to throw her off. He picked up the new holster she'd been admiring and slipped it over his arm. He found a black jacket with matching hat as Jimmy had requested. It sure wasn't fair that they had to get her such manly presents when there were pretty bonnets and jewelry in the other cases. Hopefully Kid had gotten her some girl stuff on his last run.

Ike found the journal that he and Buck wanted to give Lou along with the new book. He was having trouble locating Noah's request and was about to give up when he spotted the handsome silver frame. Ike had promised to draw a picture of Lou with her siblings for Noah to give to Lou to put in it. Teaspoon was going to get his own gift and Rachel was paying for the new dress with all the trimmings.


Lou entered Teaspoon's office oblivious to the chaos her departure had created in the dry goods store. She found Teaspoon in his usual position. He was tipped back in his chair, boots up on the desk and hat drawn low. She knew he wasn't really sleeping, he was observing. This was his best detective's tactic. People will do anything and say anything in front of a man they think is sleeping. He got more confessions from his prisoners than any other Marshal in the territory.

Lou gently tapped him on the shoulder. "Teaspoon are you awake?" She would never let on she knew his secret weapon. "Rachel sent me with coffee beans."

Teaspoon pushed his hat back and let lose with a wide grin. "A woman after my own heart, that Rachel Dunne. How did she know I was fresh out?"

"She just smart like that, I guess." Lou put the supplies down on the weathered wooded desk. She stepped back and pushed her hands deep in her coat pockets. She leaned back on the desk and didn't say anything.

"Is something on your mind, Lou?"

"Not really."

"Sure don't look like it. You mush your face up anymore and it'll stick like that. What's got you so tensed up? Now wait. Let me guess, perhaps a certain rider with a funny name?" Teaspoon smiled at the girl he loved as if she were his own child. "He'll be back day after tomorrow."

Lou got angry at Teaspoon's quick assessment of her troubles and walked away from him. "Why does everyone always think it's him I'm troubled over? Can't I ever have any other worries?"

"Of course you can Lou, but you're a strong woman and there seems little else that you can't handle. This man-woman stuff can be complicated though."

"Tell me about it. This time it's a little different. Kid's just trying to be sweet and I won't let him."

"Lou, you gotta be a little more specific here. What do you mean by sweet? Do I need to have a talk with that boy about treating a lady right?"

Lou looked up with a start when she realized what Teaspoon was alluding to. She put her hands to her cheeks hoping to stop the blush. "Oh no Teaspoon! It ain't nothing like that." Lord knows that part of their relationship was complicated, but she wasn't discussing that with a man she thought of as her father. "He's trying to make me have a birthday."

"Sweetheart, I hate to break it to you, but everyone has a birthday."

"Yeah, but I don't like mine and it's not something I celebrate. You remember last year. Cody met with an untimely cake accident."

"I always thought you were a little sensitive about that, but then again, I still thought you were a boy and I guess I just took it as part of your strange nature. Had I known you was a girl, I would have written it off as a woman thing."

"Teaspoon. Either way, boy or girl, I don't like my birthday. I just know the Kid is up to something. He wants to take me out to a fine dinner and I bet he bought me a present and he'll probably get me flowers. What can I do?

"Enjoy it sweetheart. Just take a second and listen to yourself. There are plenty of other woman beggin' for a man as attentive and lovin' as Kid, to take them for a dinner or bring them flowers. He just wants to make it special for you. You should let him. He likes doin' for you."

Lou started to speak, but Teaspoon continued. "I know you had a bad run of it before you came to us and you know I never pry, but sometimes it helps to talk it out, maybe let someone help you make sense outta it."

Lou knew it would make her feel better, but there was too much to say. "Teaspoon, it's a long story, one too long for today, but to give you an idea, my birthdays have just always been bad luck. It started with a new doll I broke when I turned five, the new party dress I ruined in a fall into the mud when I was six, my Pa left on my eighth birthday and Mama died on my ninth. They only got worse from there. It's no use. I wasn't meant to have a celebration on my birthday. Could I have Noah's run that day. Please Teaspoon, I just don't want to be here at all."

It nearly broke his heart to hear her story. He often forgot that his "boys" had been through some of life's hardest times before joining the pony express. They managed to fuse together into one family though and he wouldn't stand to see one suffer. He knew Kid's plan would change her mind, but he couldn't let on that he knew what was going on.

"I can't give you that ride, Lou. You'll just be back from the day run that mornin' and you'll need to rest, but I promise, I'll find some chores to keep you busy enough. And speaking of chores, you'd best go catch up with the others. That north fence needs to be fixed before supper tonight and I don't want to hear you using town as an excuse again. Now get."

Lou started for the door in a little better spirits. Maybe Kid would listen to her for once and just forget it, but since she doubted it, she thought maybe she'd take Teaspoon's advice and enjoy it. No more worrying about it, that was for sure. She glanced back over her shoulder as she walked out the door. Teaspoon was already back in position, ready to catch his next criminal.


"Kid. Kid get up. Jeremiah's gone and he's taken Katy!"

Kid didn't move. He kept his hat pulled down over his face and refused to give up the sweet dreams he was having. He had spent most of the night thinking of Lou and dreaming of their future together.

Jimmy wasn't taking kindly to being ignored and poked Kid with his booted foot. "Kid, I ain't messin' around. The boy's really gone and he got your horse!"

Kid groaned and started to roll over to rise. He nearly crushed Teresa, who had balled herself up behind him during the night for warmth. She slept on, with Jimmy's coat over her as an extra blanket, oblivious to the morning crisis.

"We just can't catch a break can we? I thought maybe Teresa's little scare yesterday would have calmed that boy down some, but I can see he ain't letting go of this so easy. Did you find any tracks?"

"It looks like he headed back towards the creek. I'm guessing he's heading back to St. Joe."

Kid shook his head. "I doubt it, Sister Marie would tan his hide if he showed up there, without us, but with my stolen horse. I'm thinkin' he's decided he can make it on his own."

"Like Lou did? They ain't the same, I'd bet a weeks wages Lou had better sense than that boy does when she was his age. Do you really think he would leave her here?" Jimmy nodded at the sleeping little girl. She looked like a child's doll all curled up in the big coat. "She ain't gonna understand why he left, you know."

"I know, and the more time we spend jabbering here, the further away Jeremiah gets. We can't leave her here and I don't want to wake her. Will you stay? If I find them, Katy will come to me. No matter what command Jeremiah gives."

"I'll stay, but shoot Kid, I ain't no good with kids. What do I tell her if she gets up? What if she cries?" Jimmy sat on the edge of the buckboard with an exaggerated sigh.

Kid saddled the horse that had been pulling the new buckboard. "Jimmy you're doin' fine. Just tell her the truth, but tell her, I'll bring him back. When Jed and I was little, we had a plow mule named Jeremiah who was stubborn, and we didn't let him beat us. This time ain't no different, I won't let this plow mule beat me."


Jeremiah searched the edge of the creek carefully. He looked in the water and along the edge with a very precise system. He was determined to find what he was looking for.

He knew his attitude had been poor since leaving St. Joe, but he just wasn't convinced going to see Louise was the best idea for Teresa. All it would do was get her hopes up that they would one day be all together again. He knew it wasn't gonna happen, especially now that Louise had herself that fella. Dumb fool, didn't even hear me walk off with his horse.

He had been searching for over an hour when he saw his prize. He brought Katy to a stop, dismounted and started down the bank of the creek when he heard the rider pull up behind him.

"Jeremiah McCloud, what do you think you're doing?"

"None of your business. Just get out of here and let me do my work. If it's your dumb horse you're here for, take her. She's no good anyway."

Kid walked to Katy and unconsciously started rubbing her neck. He couldn't help but stare and watch as the boy tried to work his way down to the water's edge. He remembered being awkward and clumsy at the same age and he just had a bad feeling that he was going to have to chase the boy down the creek like his sister.

"You're making me nervous, go away! You want to get wet again?"

"I could help you if you'd let me."

"I don't need your help."

"Sure looks like you could use it to me."

Jeremiah turned on Kid with a vicious attack. "Listen, you ain't my pa, or my brother-in-law or even my friend, so I don't know what you're even doin' here tryin' to help! I can take care of me and Teresa. We would be fine if you hadn't gotten it into your head to drag us off to dumb old Sweetwater for the birthday of our sister, who doesn't even want to see us! Now, just go away. I'll be back soon so we can finish up this stupid trip!"

He grabbed a stick off the bank and started fishing around in the water. He knew a second pair of hands or a longer pair of arms would make it easier, but there was no way he would ask for help. He almost had his catch when he felt his footing give away. He was just about to tumble head first into the cold water when he felt a pair of hands grab him underneath the arms and drag him onto the bank.

"Now what did you go and do that for. I would have been Ok."

"Jeremiah, I've had enough of this. If I hadn't grabbed you, I would have been getting' wet again today and I'm outta dry clothes. What is so important down there that you just have to have it?


"You're acting like a child younger than Teresa. What is down there?"



"Annabelle, Teresa's doll."

Kid just stared at the torment on the boy's face. He hadn't run away and stolen Katy, he'd just ridden out to find his sister's doll. Maybe the child wasn't all bad. "Well, then let's try it again, together, and see if we can make Teresa smile today."

After two attempts, they brought the waterlogged doll out of the water and started back to the camp.

"Jeremiah, I wish I could say I knew why you were so angry, but I can't say as I do. I'm guessing Jimmy and I bring back bad memories for you, but we mean you no harm. I just had this crazy idea that bringing you for a visit would be a good idea."

Jeremiah couldn't take the pressure that had been building up inside of him any longer. He didn't want to be so angry all the time, but he couldn't understand what had been going on since the day Louise had left them.

"Louise doesn't really want us. I know that. It's nice and all, you trying to bring us to her, but if she wanted us, she would have come long ago. I know it's the truth, but Teresa just won't let go. She thinks Louise will take us away from St. Joe and we'll be a family again." He looked over at Kid and found the man staring at him, very intensely.

"She promised she'd be back for us when she left and it took her forever to come the first time. Boggs may or may not of been our Pa, but at least he was willing to take us away. Louise just left us there again."

Kid felt a certain sadness for the hardened boy. "She does want you Jeremiah, both of you, very much. It makes her sad, almost everyday, that you can't be all together, but she's workin' hard, real hard to save her money so you can be together again. It's not the best way of going about it, but it's the only way she knows how. It's been hard on her too. She's had rough times since she left St. Joe and it's only been in the last year since she joined the pony express that things have turned around. One day soon it will be better."

"I'm not sure I believe you. There has to be other ways for her to be with us. Teresa needs her. Louise is the only Ma she really knew and I…" Jeremiah's voice trailed off before he admitted something he hadn't in years.

"You need her too. It's Ok to admit it."

"It's not so much that I need her, I ain't no baby, but I want to be a family. It was important to Ma that we stick together and now look at us."

"You are together, in your hearts. I know she thinks of you, we talk about you often when we sit and watch the sunset. She likes to tell me stories about you and Teresa. She said it makes it feel like you're close by. She's got plans for y'all and she's gonna make them work."

"A visit once or twice this year would have been nice."

"It's just not that easy, it's a long ways and the company don't give us much time off. She wanted to come for Christmas, but we had to work. I know she sends you letters and packages."

"I usually let Teresa have them, they make her happy."

"For now, let them make you happy too. It won't be much longer and you'll be together like a proper family." Kid looked over at the boy and smiled. He was beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel.

"You got something to do with that, Kid?" Jeremiah smiled back at him. He was beginning to warm to this man who clearly loved his sister. Kid couldn't be all bad if he had made it this far without killing him.

"Now what makes you say that?"

"Just a hunch."

The campsite came into view and Jimmy rose from his seat by the fire to greet them. Teresa was still sleeping and Jimmy looked relieved to see them.

"Jeremiah, do you think we can call a little truce for the rest of the trip? It will make it go much quicker for all of us."

Jeremiah started to dismount and walk towards his sleeping sister. He called back over his shoulder. "Sure. I guess I really can't stay mad at you if I'm gonna have to call you brother one day." He walked on to give Teresa back her precious toy.

Kid just stood and stared after the boy. He started to scrunch up his face as he often did when faced with a stressful situation.

Jimmy walked up, smiled at his best friend and stood beside him watching the happy reunion between child and doll. "Kid, I think that boy's got you figured out."

Kid gave Jimmy a nasty look and walked off to start hitching up the horse to the buckboard. Jimmy just laughed into the morning air.


To be continued...Chapter 5

Copyright 1998-This work is not to be reproduced without the permission of the author

The Way Station
Campfire Tales
