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Prairie Possessions


By Melissa

"Has she left his side since you brought him back here?" Noah asked Lou.

It had been one week since that night in Spirit Canyon, and Buck was still unconscious. The morning after the exorcism, Jimmy had ridden back to Sweetwater to get Teaspoon and the Doc. They brought Buck back to the way station where the Doc said that he should be okay as long as he regained consciousness. Lily, who felt so guilty about what had happened, had decided that she was not going to leave Buck alone until she knew that he was going to be okay. Day and night she sat by his bedside, stroking his hair, holding his hand and talking softly to him.

Lou shook her head. "No, and I have to practically fight with her to get her to eat somethin'. She's barely slept a wink since we got back" Noah had been on a run when they returned to Sweetwater, and had only been filled in on the past week's events that night.

Rachel walked into the bunkhouse carrying a tray of food for Lily and observed the scene before her. "She's gonna get herself sicker than Buck if she doesn't rest some."

Lou nodded in agreement. "I know. But she feels responsible for what happened. It was her father that did this to Buck, and somehow she feels like she has to make it up to him."

Suddenly a soft moaning caught their attention and they all turned towards the bed where Buck was beginning to stir. He slowly opened his eyes and realized that he was no longer in the desert. He was in his own bed in the bunkhouse, and as he looked around the room he noticed Lou, Noah and Rachel all staring at him with looks of concern on their faces. Then he turned his head to the side and realized that he was staring at the same woman with the beautiful eyes that was with him in the desert. She looked down at him with the same concerned expression, but then her face lit up in a soft smile.

"You're awake," she said quietly as she continued to gently stroke his hair.

"W-what happened?" he asked as he tried to sit up, but the pain in his head was so bad that he had to lie back down immediately.

"Whoa, Buck," Rachel ran over to help him. "You're gonna have to take it easy for a few days, y'hear?"

"What happened?" he repeated.

Lou smiled at him, relieved to have him back with them again. "It's a long story Buck. One that I think can wait until after you've gotten your strength back."

Buck was somewhat relieved to hear that, even though the few memories that he had were confusing him and he couldn't make heads or tails of them. He remembered the lightening that caused him to fall off his horse, walls of fire, Indian spirits, and for some reason he was filled with images of Ike being with him. Suddenly Buck's eyes flew open as he vividly remembered trying to kill the young girl that sat there next to him, caring for him. His gaze instinctively traveled to the wound on her shoulder and he couldn't stop himself from touching it. When she winced his eyes filled with tears.

"I-did that-to you." he stuttered, filled with hatred for himself. He didn't know exactly what had happened, but he knew that he had caused this innocent girl pain, and probably didn't deserve to have her sitting here with him. He expected her to jump up and run away from him, but instead she just smiled again.

"It's okay," she said, speaking slowly. She had the most beautiful, melodious voice he had ever heard. "It's just a surface wound, the doctor says I'll be just fine."

Suddenly everything became too much for Buck to handle and the room began to spin. He closed his eyes and tried to stop the overwhelming dizziness he felt.

"Lily?" Rachel called. When Lily turned to her, she continued. "I think that Buck needs to get some rest for now, and you have got to get some food in your body," she motioned towards the tray that sat untouched on the table.

When Lily began to protest, Buck opened his eyes again and squeezed her hand gently. For some reason he knew that this girl did not hate him and did not blame him for what had happened. Lily looked down at him expectantly and Buck nodded. "Rachel's right, you should get something to eat." When Lily hesitated he continued. "Don't worry I'll be okay, as long as you promise to come back."

Lily smiled again and started to get up, but Buck grabbed her hand again. "Wait!" he cried out. Lily turned back towards him. " I don't even know your name."

"It's Lily."

As Buck closed his eyes again, he repeated the name to himself over and over. He knew that this was not the end for him and Lily. In fact, he had a feeling that this was only the beginning.

The End

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