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Whispers In The Dark

Part 3

By Nesciri

Chapter 4. Battles Of Souls

Teaspoon walked briskly over to the undertaker.

"Barnett told me," he said with a nod of greeting to Doctor Barnes and the undertaker, Ben Jacobs.

"I can't believe it," 'Doc' Barnes said. "I never thought anything like this could happen in Rock Creek."

"What can you tell me?"

"Lutie was strangled. Hayes claims that she was working last night, but that she sneaked away from the saloon. She probably sneaked out to drink - you knows what Hayes think of his girls taking to the bottle."

"Drinking problem?"

"Lutie was an alcoholist, marshal. She used to tell me that she could stop any day, but the truth is that she was too deep into the booze for her to change. God knew what else she was doing in that alley."

"And the others?"

"Dollins had his head smashed in. It must have been a big man that did it, or somebody driven by a lot of anger, I'd say. It was smashed into a mess." Doc shrugged at the memory. "I hope that I never have to see that again. Ward was left to bleed to death after a knife wound. That's the strangest of them - he should have had the time to call for help, but nobody seems to have heard anything."

"I know - I asked around, but nobody have seen anything unusual. Do you think we're dealing with one killer here?"

"Hard to say - seeing that Tucker and his friend were killed with a knife and so was Ward, I'd say that it might be the same killer. But there's no connection between them, is there?"

Teaspoon shook his head.

"Not that I've found. What about the other two?"

"Two completely different killers I'd say. There's no reason for one man to kill in two so different ways."

"I agree, Doc. Thanks for your help. You're sure that all three was killed during the night?"

"Yes. You better do something about this quick marshal. Rock Creek doesn't need one or more killers on the loose."

"I'll do all I can Doc, be sure of that."


When Teaspoon returned to the station he found Noah and Kid lazily enjoying the sun sitting on the porch. When they saw his face, Kid straightened himself up.

"Something wrong Teaspoon?"

"You could say that," Teaspoon admitted as he joined them. "There was three murders in town last night."

"Three?" Noah looked at Teaspoon with consternation.


"How?" Kid wanted to know.

"I wish I know. Did any of you boys heard anything last night? And I mean anything?"

"No, I slept like a baby," Kid confessed and Noah nodded his head in agreement.

"Me neither," Noah added. "Didn't anybody in town hear anything?"

"That's the strange thing. Nobody has heard a thing, seen anything or even noticed anything unusual. Yet three people were killed." Teaspoon shook his head in disbelief.

"You want any help, Teaspoon?" Kid asked as Buck emerged from the bunkhouse. By the look on his face the others could tell that he had still not found his medicine pouch.

"Thanks, Kid, but you stick to your runs. I'll sort this out on my own. I'll just get some coffee and then I'll continue the search." He rose and walked towards the house.

Buck looked after him.

"What was that about?" he asked.

"There had been three murders during the night," Kid replied. "You didn't find it, did you?"

Buck shook his head.

"No. You're sure Lou didn't say anything about it?"

"Not a word. Sorry, Buck."

"She promised. I can't believe she'd leave without even a note."

"Well, a lot happened here when you were on your run. With Jesse's accident I guess she forgot."

"Why is it so important to you?" Noah asked. "Can't you get a new pouch?"

Buck shook his head.

"It isn't that easy," he replied, not ready to explain the process of finding your guiding spirits to his friends. He wasn't sure if they would understand. Besides, he didn't think getting a new was the right thing to do. As if he knew, since he hadn't a clue what to do. He'd never heard of anybody loosing his medicine pouch. Not before they were dead anyway. Some had lost theirs in battle, but they were always severely wounded. Nobody had lived long without his pouch, he thought miserably, and wished that he had somebody to ask. He couldn't believe that it was missing. He knew that he had had it before he went to bed that night. The only explanation must be that somebody had taken it from him, but he couldn't see any of his friends doing that to him. Feeling depressed he sat down next to his friends.

"Maybe Lou did find it, just forgot to tell you," Kid said trying to cheer him up.

"Maybe," Buck admitted, hoping that it was true, but fearing that it wasn't.


Rachel saw the three riders sitting on the porch and she frowned. There were chores to be done and yet none seemed as if they were going to do them. She opened the kitchen window.

"You got nothing to do?" she called out.

Kid sighed and rose.

"I better get Katy shoed," he smiled, "before Rachel comes after me with a pan."

"I'd like to see that," Noah said laughing. "Wanna give me a hand with the painting of the west wall of the barn?" he asked Buck.

Buck nodded, seeing that there wasn't much else to do.

Smiling Rachel closed the window and returned to finish up the dishes. The water was starting to get cold, but she had water standing on the stove. She reached for the saucepan when Teaspoon came in.

"Hi Teaspoon," she greeted as she grabbed the hot water. Suddenly she felt as if the pan was moving and desperately she tried to keep it steady. But she was too late; as if in slow motion she saw how the water flooded from the pan onto her arms and skirt. As the hot water scorched her skin she screamed in agony. Teaspoon rushed over to her and managed to knock the pan out of her hands.

"Rachel are you OK?" he asked as Rachel sank down to the floor, feeling an intense pain on her arms and where the fabric of her skirt touched her bare skin.

"Get that skirt off you now," Teaspoon ordered as he saw the wet fabric cling to her legs, as he reached for the cold water. Rachel did as he said, ignorant of the fact that he would see her in her underwear, because of the intense pain on her legs. Teaspoon soaked one of the clean bed sheets in the cold water and simply wrapped it around her.

"You should get into a cold bath," he said. Realizing that Rachel wasn't in the position to take care of herself, he continued, "I'll help you over to Mrs. Denning, and then Doc can have a look at you." Rachel nodded, feeling enough embarrassment over her present situation to not have Teaspoon helping her into a bath. Teaspoon helped her to her feet and then he simply carried her out to the wagon. He didn't see any of the boys so he simply sat next to her and drove away.

"Jesse," Rachel said.

"He'll be OK, the boys are still there. Don't worry about him now."


Jesse moved slightly in his bed. He'd heard what happened in the kitchen and although he wanted to help Rachel, he couldn't move an inch without feeling the pain in his side. With a sigh he sank back in bed. Suddenly he realized that if he managed to move himself to a slightly more upright position he'd be able to look out the window. With that aim in his mind he fought the pain and struggled to get himself somewhat more leveled position. First he almost gave up, but since it was utterly boring not to have anything to look at, he gave it another try. This time he managed and it was with a content sigh he sank down on the pillows as he gazed out the window. To his disappointment there wasn't much to see except Buck and Noah working on the wall. Since there was nothing else he followed their work with a disappointed look.

Barak smiled to himself when he saw the marshal drive the woman called Rachel from the station. Getting the water over her told him he was much stronger now, the killings had served their purpose. And he believed that his 'host' was weakening as well. All seemed to move in his way and if he only could use or get rid of the spirits that had kept him annoyed since he stole the pouch, he could concentrate on his main objective - the girl.

Buck slowly went on with the task of painting the wall, his mind still on the missing pouch. It was with some surprised he realized that Noah had asked him something.

"You never told me what's so important with the pouch," Noah repeated.

"You wouldn't understand," Buck mumbled, remembering when he'd tried to explain it the last time. Noah laughed softly.

"I'm not Cody," he replied, but there was an under tone in his voice that made Buck turn and stare at him.

"What are you talking about?"

"Who are they, the spirits that are connected to the pouch - or you? What does the black stone stand for?" Noah asked coldly as he continued painting.

Buck stared at him.

"How do you know?" he managed to ask as Noah turned and faced him.

"Why don't you tell me and we'll save you a lot of pain?" Barak smiled at the young Indian next to him. Buck stared at the face before him, seeing Noah and yet not Noah.

"Who are you?" he asked bewildered as she tried to step away from the eyes forcing him to remain.

"That's not important. Important is what I need from you. Give it to me voluntarily and I'll let you go." All Buck managed to do was to shake his head in objection. He didn't understand who this was but he felt a twinge of fear as he realized that whatever or whoever it was standing before him, it was something dangerous and something he'd never encountered before.

"I need to know." The demand in Barak's voice was now obvious. Still Buck refused to budge.

Barak sighed. He had hoped he wouldn't have to test his newly acquired strength but the young man was stronger than he'd expected. He raised his hand and touched the young man's forehead. Buck shivered as the hand touch his head, but he was unable to move away. He was aware of a soft red light surrounding him, emanating from the hand before he felt a sharp pain in his head. Then there was another feeling, acutely connected to the pain. It was as something had forced itself into his memory, probing and forcing him to reveal everything that was he, his knowledge, hie memories and his outmost secrets. Fighting the pain, he resisted the force that threatened to destroy the very essence of his being. As the pain increased, Buck sank to his knees, unable to stand on his feet. Barak let him sank down, releasing him from his hand. The connection was already made, now he just had to force the boy to give up. Barak concentrated and sent another wave of pain through the young man, causing him to lie down on the ground. Buck looked up and although he couldn't see the lips moves on Noah or who it was move, he still heard the voice in his head, demanding him to give up. Persistently he fought on, but he was scared that he would loose - the pain was so intense that he saw white spots before his eyes. Somewhere he was conscious of that if he failed, his friends would be next - and it was that thought that made him resist the unknown force.

Barak smiled as he realized that it wouldn't be long until the young man, Buck, had given in to him. He just needed a few more minutes - he could even hear the anger of the protective spirits roaring around him, but it was too late. Without the pouch they seemed at a lost of what to do and Barak was pleased he'd taken it that first night. He was just about to end it when a call made him loose concentration. Turning around he saw the other man, Kid, run towards him. Angry he realized that he had to finish this at another time. Slowly he returned control to Noah, but he remained long enough to make sure that Buck was strongly within his reach. Buck suddenly felt the probing of his memory end but the feeling of relief was soon replaced with pain.

"It isn't over yet," the voice in his head said grimly, "give it up and the pain will end, but not until then - not until then." Then it disappeared, but the pain remained. Buck felt his muscles strain under the pain that seemed to travel over his body. Shivering he remained on the ground.

"Buck!" Kid called out as he saw Buck lying on the ground, curled up and shaking. Noah was standing next to him, but at Kid's call, he sank to his knees next to their friend. Kid joined him a second later.

"What happened?" he asked as he saw Buck writhing in pain.

"I don't know," Noah replied with a consternation on his face. "Suddenly he just was lying here."

"Just like that?" Kid asked, trying to reach out to Buck who seemed to be unaware of their presence.

"Yes," Noah replied as he flinched at the headache he suddenly experienced. It disappeared as quickly as it had come and he regained his composure. "We should get him inside."

"You're right. Buck, can you hear me? We're gonna get you to your bunk. Can you stand?"

Buck tried to reply but all he managed to do was moan. Kid looked at Noah.

"We have to help him." Noah nodded and with combined efforts they managed to get Buck into the bunkhouse.

As they helped him unto his bunk, Buck wanted to tell Kid what had happened, he wanted to warn him about Noah, but he found that he was unable to speak. As he tried the pain seemed to increase and he was forced to let go of the idea of speaking. Cramp racked his stomach and he thought he was going to die. After a while the idea of dying almost felt appealing to him as the cramp moved over his body, tensing and straining his muscles until he was unable to move. He arched his back in an attempt to get rid of the pain but it was useless. The cramp was replaced with pure pain as if somebody was sticking knives into him, then the cramps returned. And all the time he could hear the voice in his mind - teasing and threatening him to give up his soul and mind to make the pain end. But he couldn't. I just have to endure this, he thought, I just have to.


Jesse watched in horror how Buck was forced to his knees while a strange red glow seemed to surround him and Noah. He was too far off to see Noah's face, but something about the whole situation sent chills down his spine. He'd never been so scared and yet he was unable to turn away. He knew that there was something awfully wrong with the events outside and it was as if he could feel it in the air. He used to brag to the others that there was nothing that scared him, but this did exactly that. When Kid come running around the corner he saw who Noah stop whatever he was doing, but Buck remained on the ground. When Noah scanned the surroundings Jesse was scared that Noah would be able to notice him and he tried to hide as much as possible from the window. When Kid and Noah helped Buck back to the bunkhouse, Jesse bit his lip and tried to move. Unable to get away, he sat in silence scared of what would happen to him if Noah had seen him.


"Where's Rachel and Teaspoon?" Kid looked around as they had made Buck as comfortable as they could. "Jesse," he continued and walked over to the kitchen where he found a pale Jesse. "Do you know where Rachel and Teaspoon are?"

"Why?" Jesse asked.

"Buck's sick."

Jesse shook his head.

"Rachel got burnt and Teaspoon took her to Doc," Jesse replied. "Kid," he continued, "I --"

When Noah appeared in the door, Jesse silenced.

"What Jesse?" Kid asked.


"Kid, we should get Doc out here," Noah suggested. Kid nodded his agreement as sounds from outside suggested that a rider had arrived. Kid looked out the window.

"It's Lou," he said, "I'll tell her what's happened and then I'll get Doc."

Jesse suddenly felt a twinge of fear of being left at the station with Noah and only Lou to trust and he had to express this.

"Lou can get Doc," he suggested.

"She's just come back from a run," Kid objected and walked out. Jesse looked nervously at Noah.

"Something wrong, Jesse?" Noah asked and Jesse shook his head. Noah looked all right and there was nothing threatening about him but still Jesse couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong.

"You better rest," Noah suggested and closed the door between the kitchen and the bunkhouse as Lou entered.


"Kid told me what happened," she said quickly and walked up to Buck's bunk. "How are you Buck?" She looked at his face and it and his hands curled up into tight fists told her everything she needed to know. The pain had brought beads of sweat to his forehead and she quickly went for some water, hoping that cold compresses would bring him some relief.

"I don't understand how this could happen?" she said silently to Noah as she passed him.

"I don't know Lou," Noah replied. "One minute he was helping me with the wall, the next he was lying on the ground."

"Where's Rachel?"

"At Doc's. She got burned on hot water."

Lou sighed as she realized that her efforts did very little for Buck. Unable to sit there and not being able to help, she rose.

"I'll check on Jesse," she said swaying as she thought that it seemed to be no end to their bad luck right now.


"Hi Jesse, how are you feeling?" Lou stroked the boy's forehead, noticing that his fever seemed a bit lower than before.

"How's Buck?" Jesse asked whispering.

"He's gonna be all right," Lou replied a bit surprised at Jesse's low voice.

"Lou, I saw it," Jesse continued to whisper.

"Saw what?"

"Shhh, not so loud! Lou, Noah did that to Buck."

"What are you talking about, Jesse?" Lou frowned and wondered if Jesse was all right.

"I saw Noah touch Buck and then he fell to the ground - Noah must have done something---"

"Jesse, you have a fever and you've let Cody's stories get to your head. It's possible Noah touched Buck, but that doesn't mean he inflicted the pain. That's silly, Jesse."

"But I saw---"

"Jesse, you have a fever. You need to rest and not let your imagination get the best of you," Lou concluded. "You want some water or something?"

"Lou, you have to believe me!"

"I believe you - now rest, you hear," Lou said soothingly, trying to ease him. "Now rest, I'll be right outside." She left the room and closed the door.

"No you don't believe me," Jesse muttered in disappointment.


Barak watch her disappear into the kitchen before he turned to Buck. He saw the look that Buck gave him and he realized that his mental connection worked both ways.

"So now you know my plan, don't you?" he chuckled softly as he realized that Buck knew he was after Lou. "Pity you can't tell them, isn't it now. Well, don't worry, soon you wont have anything to worry about anymore." Barak concentrated and again Buck found himself fighting for his sanity. For every second that passed the pain made him weaker and he found it harder and harder to resist. To Buck's relief, Lou only stayed with Jesse for less than a minute, forcing Barak to give control back to Noah. Again Barak found himself forced to stop just when he was about to win. Patience, he told himself, patience.

To be continued Chapter V

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