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True Love, One Soul

Chapter One

By Jocelyne

Lou stepped out onto the porch of the bunkhouse at the sound of an approaching rider. She saw the rider coming and called out "Rider coming!" Ike came running out of the bunkhouse because the rider wasn't due for an hour yet.

Ike sat waiting for the hand off. As the rider got closer they saw that it was Buck. Rachel was on the porch of the main house. She turned to the young women on the swing saying, "That is Buck. You will meet him at supper. He's not as wild as Jimmy, or Cody. He's quite like Ike and Kid. Lets go get you into some clothes for life around here."

They turned and headed into the house and then headed up the stairs. As they climbed the stairs Rachel said, "So Sarah how long did you talk your father into letting you stay here?"

Across the yard at the bunkhouse, Buck was asking Lou, "Who is that with Rachel?"

Lou smiled to herself and said, "I'm not sure. All Rachel said was that her name is Sarah. She would tell us more at supper. You better get cleaned up. Supper should be ready soon."

Both women walked over to the trunk that Sarah had brought with her. They started going through the clothes and putting them in the wardrobe. Rachel turned around saying, "I think we better get some material to make you some dresses that are more suitable for out here. I think this one will work for now. I'll meet you down stairs. It's almost time to start supper but I want to talk first."

She left and Sarah walked over to the window looking out toward the bunkhouse. Just then Buck came out of the bunkhouse and went to the barn. She watched him till he disappeared into the barn. A few minutes later she came down stairs. Rachel had just poured some lemonade for them. They sat down and started to talk.

Sarah said, "Thank you Aunt Rachel for letting me come out here and stay with you for awhile. I need time to think before I decide whether or not to marry the man my father says I have to marry."

Looking at her niece as she went to pour them some more lemonade, "Tell me about this man. Do you love him?" Rachel asked as she sat back down.

"Well I don't know if I love him or not. He's a rich banker and will treat me well, but I can't stand to be near him. I guess then that I don't love him. I just want someone who will love me for me and not for my father's money." Taking Rachel's hands she started crying.

Rachel moved closer to her niece and hugged her saying, "Oh sweetie your father loves you. But you do deserve someone who will love you for you." Standing up she said, "Well, we better get supper started before the boys burn the bunkhouse down trying to do it themselves.

As they walked across the yard and entered the bunkhouse. Rachel turned to Cody seated at the table cleaning his gun saying, "Cody can you go get me some potatoes out of the cellar?"

Rising Cody said, "Sure thing Rachel." As he came toward the door, the two women turned around and went back to the house to start preparing for supper. As they entered the house, Sarah said, "So that's Cody, right!

Rachel said with out looking up, "Oh, honey, don't think he's the one for you. He will only break your heart. He's so wild and careless. I don't want you to get your heart broke. Why don't you go ring the bell for supper and watch out they will run you over."

As she was walking out onto the porch she ran right into Buck. She fell to the floor and he knelt down to help her up. As she reached for his hand their eyes met and she blushed. After he helped her to her feet he said, "Excuse me, miss! I didn't see you there.

With down cast eyes she said, "Supper's ready!" Then she rang the bell. She saw all of them come running. Buck grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her against him out of the way. After the stamping herd went by, they walked in.

As they reached the table Buck said, "Take my seat." After pushing Cody over, Buck then went and sat in Ike's spot.

After Rachel sat down and before the food was passed around she said, "Boys this is my niece, Sarah, from New York. She has come for a visit and maybe to stay. Turning to Cody saying, "This is Cody, Jimmy, Kid, Lou and Buck and Ike is on a run he'll be back tomorrow." Just then the door opened and she said, "And this one who is late again is Teaspoon Hunter. Teaspoon this is my niece, Sarah."

"Hi there, Miss Sarah. Hope the boys weren't giving you any trouble," Teaspoon replies as he tips his hat.

Smiling back Sarah said, "Well, Buck was sweet. He pulled me out of the way of the stamping herd of hungry boys." Everyone laughed. Buck blushed and with downcast eyes Sarah was blushing too. Supper was noisier then Sarah could ever remember.

As Rachel started clearing dishes from the table, Sarah grabbed a plate and started to help. Rachel grabbed it from her saying, "Would one of you boys like to show her around?"

All they boys stood up and started talking at once. Just then Teaspoon said, "Buck you are quiet. Why don't you show Sarah around!"

Buck looked up and said, "Would you like to start with the horses?"

Still blushing, Sarah looked up saying, "I would love to see them." They walked out of the bunkhouse and headed for the corral. Everyone was on the porch watching them. As they reached the corral Sarah turned to Buck and said, "Tell me about yourself."

Smiling Buck said, "Well, there's not much to tell. I'm what people out here, call a half-breed. My mother was a Kiowa, and she was raped when some white men raided our village. I am the result of white man's greed. I don't really belong anywhere. This is the first place I've felt like I belong and these people are the first real family since my mother and brother Red Bear. Now that's enough about me, tell me about yourself."

Pausing for a moment then turning Sarah said, "Well, my father is Rachel's older brother. My mother died when I was 10. My father is real strict on me. About a year ago he told me that I was to marry one of his rich banker friends. But I can't stand to be near him."

Just then she started to cry and ran off toward the barn. Buck followed her. As he entered the barn, she was nowhere to be found. Just then he heard some crying coming from the loft. He climbed the ladder and saw her at the other end. He walked over to her. While standing over her, he was wondering what to do. Then he knelt down and enfolded her in his arms. She turned around and laid her head on his chest and continued to cry. He just sat there and let her cry.

When Sarah stopped, she looked up at him and said, "I'm sorry I know I shouldn't get upset like that, but I wonder if there isn't someone out there for me, who will love me for me."

Buck lifted her chin to look at her face and said, "I didn't mean to upset you. I know there is someone out there for you. When you find that man, he will be the luckiest man in the world." She pulled away from him and looked into his big black dark eyes. Then he leaned forward and kissed her. He pulled back saying, "I'm sorry," and then he started to stand up."

Sarah grabbed his hand. "Please don't go, I was hoping you would do that." Leaning into him she kissed him back. They both laughed, and then Buck stood up and reached for her hand to help her stand. As he did he said, "We better get you back to the house before your aunt has my hide for keeping you out late."

Smiling they both climbed down the ladder and walked toward the house. They got to the steps of the porch. Buck turned to her saying, "Are you sure what happened back there in the barn is okay? I couldn't stop myself. I don't know what made me do that. I have never done anything like that before. This feeling came over me from the moment I saw you on the porch with Rachel."

Just then a light came on in the house. Sarah turning around notices the light. "I'd better go inside before Rachel comes out. Before I go, how about a ride tomorrow that is if you don't have a run?"

Smiling Buck said, "No I just got back. I'm not up for a few days. Why don't we make it a picnic?" Shaking her head yes. Sarah turned and entered the house.

Chapter Two

As she closed the door, Rachel was there. So what happened, you two disappeared into the barn? Turning around smiling, Sarah said, When I started to tell Buck about Kevin. I started to cry and ran into the barn. He followed me into the barn. He was so nice, he just sat there and held me till I stopped crying."

Rachel was sitting at the table looking at Sarah. Then said, "Well from the looks on your face that is what you needed. I know that nothing can help a girl get over what is bothering her like being held by a strong caring man."

Sitting down at the table Sarah said, "I don't know why I cried but when he held me. I felt like I didn't need to say anything more. It was like he just knew what I was trying to say. Oh he asked me out for a picnic tomorrow. If that's okay with you?"

Smiling Rachel said, "I think we can arrange that. Why don't you head off to bed? Morning comes early around here." She stood and kissed Sarah good night and went to bed herself.

After Rachel went upstairs, Sarah sat there for a few minutes then decided to go to bed herself. As she reached her room, she went over to the window. She stood and looked out over the prairie and then turned toward the bunkhouse to see Buck standing on the porch. Even though it seemed like forever, it was only a few minutes when he looked up and noticed her in the window, and he smiled up at her. She smiled back at him. They stood there looking at each other for a while. She waved and then turned to go to bed.

As she change into her nightgown, she was thinking to herself, what is it about him that makes me feel this way. I have never felt this way before. Then she blew out the candle and crawled into bed and was asleep the moment her head hit the pillow.

Buck stood there and watched her blow out the candle out then he turned to go into the bunkhouse to find Kid standing there. Buck said, "Would you please move? I would like to get some sleep."

Kid shook his head no, then said, "So what are you doing with Rachel's niece?"

Looking surprised and angry Buck said, "What do you mean?"

Planting himself right in front of Buck, Kid said, "I saw the two of you in the hayloaft."

Clinching his fists in an attempt to control his anger, Buck said, "Why were you spying on us? Do you think you are the only one who might find someone that sees you as who you are, and to share things with? If you really must know she needed a shoulder to cry on." Then he pushed passed Kid and headed into get some sleep.

Kid followed him into the bunkhouse saying, "I know what I saw."

Spinning around Buck spat at him, ""Mind your own business. Worry about yourself and Lou. What happens between me and Sarah is none of your business, unless one of us tells someone. I know that she is Rachel's niece. I would never do anything that might hurt her or Sarah. Now good night." Turning to Lou who sat up in her bunk he said, "Sorry Lou, you know that I didn't mean anything by that."

She smiled at him saying, "That's okay. And your right what happens between you and Sarah is between the two of you. Till you tell us about it." Looking at Kid she said, "Back off of him. He doesn't bug you about what goes on between us dose he. Now go to bed."

Kid shook his head no. Then turned to Buck he said, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you mad. Friend's still?" Sticking his hand out to Buck. Buck took it and shook it,

"Don't worry about it this time." then Buck blew out the candle and went to sleep.

Buck stood on the porch clad only in pants watching the sunrise. Even though the days were warm, the nights still had a chill to them. As the sun broke the horizon, the rays came through her window. Sarah woke to the feel of the sun on her face. She felt a little confused as to where she was. Sitting up rubbing her eyes and blinking, it came to her that she was at her Aunt Rachel's house. As she climbed out of bed grabbing her shawl she walked over to the window. Standing there watching the sunrise, she could hear the sounds of the morning birds. She heard the sound of a crow. Looking for the bird, she saw Buck standing on the porch looking up at the window, so she pulled the shawl closer around herself . He smiled and waved at her. She smiled and waved back. She turned from the window and got dressed for the day.

She came down the stairs and Rachel was waiting on the porch for her. Busting through the door Sarah said, "Good Morning Aunt Rachel. Isn't it a wonderful day."

Shaking her head, Rachel was saying , "Well whatever happened last night, sure put you in a good mood. Lets go get breakfast ready. Come on." They stepped off the porch and walked across the yard to the bunkhouse. They stopped just outside the door. Rachel knocked on the door then stuck her head inside saying, "Are you all dressed? If so then come on, there are chores that have to be done. Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes." Rachel opened the door all the way as the boys came out.

As they filed out each said, "Good Morning." Buck was the last one out and as he passed Sarah, he smiled at her. She smiled back at him blushing.

As the two women prepared breakfast, Sarah looked at Rachel thinking should I tell her what happened last night between her and Buck. Turning back to the eggs she was cooking, she then said, "Aunt Rachel can I talk to you about something?"

Rachel snapped her head up saying, "Sure what's wrong? Nothing happened between the two of you did it?"

"Oh no, nothing to do with him. He was a prefect gentlemen with me last night. It has to do with Kevin. "Taking the eggs off the stove, Sarah sat down at the table. "Well I need to know if its normal for a guy to treat a women like she has no brain and is only there to have children and look pretty?"

Rachel turned around and looked at her niece saying, "Is that what Kevin expects out of you?"

Shaking her head, yes, Sarah continued, "There's more , He expects me to give up my friends, my riding and my writing. He never hit me but I am afraid that after we are married that he might hit me if I don't do what he says. I guess I am afraid of him. See last night, talking with Buck, I started crying and ran into the barn. He followed me and just held me til I stopped crying, and that was the first time since my mother died that I've felt safe and that I would be okay.

Rachel looked at her niece and sat down at the table next to her. She just sat there for a few minutes then she said, "Why would your father want you to marry someone like that? He knows better then to treat a women like that. I don't understand why he would force you into a marriage with someone like that. It's no wonder why you came here. I should write him and give him a piece of my mind and tell him that you will not marry that guy."

Looking scared Sarah said, "Oh no Please don't do that. I need to do that myself but father gave me six months to work up the nerve. But he doesn't know I am thinking of breaking off the engagement."

Just then the door opened and Cody was standing there. He asked, "Is it ready yet?"

Standing up and wiping the tears from her face Sarah said, "Yes it is, could you please ring the bell?"

Looking confused Cody said, "Sure thing. Is everything okay?"

Also standing up, "Yes it's okay!" replied Rachel.

All the boys piled in and sat down and started eating. Sarah was picking at her plate. Buck looked at her then placing his hand on hers stopping her from playing with her food. Looking up at him he could see the pain in her eyes. Looking at her he said, "Are you okay?"

Smiling at him she replied, "Yes" then got up from the table and left.

Feeling confused he turned to Rachel and said, "What's wrong with her? It looks like she's been crying."

Rachel looking down at her plate, then back at him and said, "She has. She just told me why she came out here and about the guy she is supposed to marry. Since you are the only other person that she told. Why don't you go talk to her, She feels that she can trust you and talk to you."

Shaking his head he got up from the table and walked out the door. Stepping out onto the porch, he looked around and noticed her over by the corral. He walked over to her. She knew that someone was behind her but she didn't turn around. As he got right behind her, he could hear her crying, so he put his hand on her shoulder. When she didn't shrug it off. He said, "Are you okay? Would you like to talk about it?"

Shaking her head, no, saying, " I shouldn't get you involved in this."

Stepping next to her turning her head to look at him he said, "After last night. I am willing to get involved. Besides when someone upsets you they upset me. NO one hurts my friends. Come on lets go for a walk and talk about it. I think you will feel better if you do." Then he reached out his hand to her and she took it and they walked out into the prairie behind the main house. They walked in silence for awhile. Then he stopped and turned to her saying, "Please tell me what has you so upset and crying."

Looking down at the ground she said, "I don't know where to begin." Lifting her chin so she would look at him. He gave her that smile that made her heart flip in her chest.

Buck said, "After last night I think I am involved in this and I am willing to listen to what you have to say." Nodding yes she began to tell him the whole story. As she reached the end she crumpled to the ground in tears. He sat down next to her and took her into his arms. He just sat there holding her, stroking her hair saying, "Everything will work out. We'll work it out together. We better get back I'm sure Rachel is worried about you. I have chores to get done before we go on our picnic.

He stood and helped her to her feet and they walked back to the station. On the way back he put his arm around her to help her feel better. She laid her head on his shoulder. Then he said, "Don't worry, I won't let anyone hurt you.

As they reached the yard Rachel came running out saying, "Sarah are you okay?"

Looking at Buck who smiled and nodded at her, she said, "Yes, I'm just hungry." Turning to Buck she said, "Thank you for listening to me and lending a shoulder to cry on." Leaning towards him, she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Well, I better get to my chores. See you for our picnic." He said as he backed away. Sarah was watching him, she read something in his eyes and she smiled, and then she ran to catch up with Rachel to get something to eat. As the two women sat in the bunkhouse eating they talked. Meanwhile Buck was mucking out the stalls in the barn and he was thinking. I hope that I can always be there for you, Sarah.

Rachel and Sarah got up and headed out to do some laundry. Sarah carried the basket of wet clothes to the line and they started to hang them up. As they were hanging the clothes Rachel asked, "So are you and Buck taking out the buckboard?"

"Trying to hide her smile Sarah said, "I hope we can ride out on horseback, but I need to talk to Buck and see what he wants to do."

As the two women worked the time away, Rachel finally said, "Well, I better go start lunch and pack something for you two to eat. I'll meet you in front of the bunkhouse when you are done here okay."

"Sure thing," answered Sarah, as Rachel left. As Sarah reached for the last shirt, she felt like someone was watching her. So she grabbed the rock that was right in front of her foot and stood up as if nothing was wrong. Then suddenly she spun around and let the rock fly. As the rock left her hand, she saw that it was Buck who was watching her. He saw the rock coming and ducked at the last minute.

Standing up Buck said, "Man you can throw and your aim wasn't bad either. I didn't mean to scare you. I was wondering if you were ready for lunch? I thought that we could take a couple of the horses out instead of the buckboard." He said as he walked closer to her.

"No, you shouldn't have sneaked up behind me. When you are the only girl in a house of men, you learn to throw with great aim. After a while it just becomes a reflex and you hit what you are aiming at. About the horses that would be fine, I can handle any kind of horse."

As he reached her Buck laughed. "Well, we'll see. Meet you in front of the bunkhouse." Then he smiled at her and turned and left. She hung the last shirt and headed for the house to change her clothes. About 10 minutes later she came out onto the porch and headed across the yard toward the bunkhouse.

As Sarah reached the porch, Rachel was coming out saying to Buck who was behind her, strapping on his gunbelt, "Now be careful and please keep her safe." She stopped and Buck bumped into her. As he stepped out around her he saw that Sarah had changed her clothes.

Buck just stood there with his mouth open. Finally, he said, "Don't worry, she will be perfectly safe with me." Turning to Sarah he said, "You look great."

Blushing she said, "Thank you , you look great yourself."

Smiling Buck said, "Thank you. We better get going." He took the saddlebags from Rachel and placed it on his horse. Then went around to help Sarah up, but she had already swung up. So he got on his horse and they headed out.

As they left the yard Sarah said, " Want to race over to those rocks?"

Smiling at her, he said," Are you sure you are ready to lose?"

Laughing at him she said, "We'll see about that. I am pretty good." Then she kicked her horse into a run. He chased after her and they reached the rocks at the same time.

Turning to her Buck said, "I knew you could ride, but I had no idea that you could ride as good as any of us."

Laughing at him she said, "I wasn't always Daddy's little girl. I needed an outlet with a father who is real strict on me. I can ride and shoot. So where's this place we are going?"

Looking at her he said, "It's just over that hill, but before we head over there, promise me that you wont tell anyone that you nearly beat me in a race." Sarah promised as she smiled at him.

They walked their horses over to the small pond . After stopping and dismounting he walked over and lifted Sarah off her horse. As he was setting her feet on the ground, they just stood there and stared into each other's eyes. Then he leaned toward her and kissed her, and she kissed him back. Then turning he grabbed the saddlebags, and she grabbed the blanket off her horse. They walked over to the pond. She laid the blanket out and sat down. He sat down next to her and started to take the stuff out of the saddlebags.

They ate chicken and drank cider. After they finished eating. Buck started to lean back and relax. Sarah reached up and pushed his head onto her lap. She played with his hair as he lay there and told her how he and Ike met and became friends. He was looking at her then he looked at the clouds and said, "We better get back. Its almost time for super." He stood and reached his hand out for her. She took his hand and stood up. As they walked over to the horses, Sarah stepped in a hole and fell.

Buck caught her before she hit the ground. He helped her sit down and then pulled her foot out of the hole. He said, "Can you stand on it?"

"I don't know." She tried to stand with him by her side. She got to her feet, but when she put weight on her foot she fell against him. Turning to Buck she said, "I don't think I can. What are we going to do.?" As he knelt and examined her ankle, she flinched as he touched it.

Buck said, "Well, we need to get you back to the station, so Rachel can take care of you. I'll get the horses. I would like for you to ride in front of me. If that's okay with you?"

Smiling she said, "Right now there's no other place I would rather be then in your strong arms." He walked over to the horses and grabbed their reins and headed back to were Sarah sat. Just then Sarah said," I think we are in trouble . "

Looking at her he said, "Why do you say that?"

As she pointed to her ankle and said, "I don't think the swelling is a good sign." Dropping the reins, he went over to her and knelt down to look at her ankle. He reached out to touch it and as he did she flinched and pulled it away.

He said, "I think its broken. Man, Rachel is going to be mad at me. She made me promise that you would be safe. She is going to let me have it."

Reaching out for his hand Sarah said, "Don't worry about her. I can handle her. Lets just get back." He stood up and picked her up and placed her on his horse. Then grabbling the reins of her horse he swung up behind her. Turning the horses and headed back to the station. As they rode Sarah said, "This is heaven. I could stay like this forever. I feel safe here with you." leaning back against him.

He smiled to himself, he said. This is nice. Its weird, But I feel like a whole person here with you in my arms."

She turned to look at him, then said, "I know I felt the same thing when you kissed me in the barn last night. Every time we are together in a room, I feel whole and when we are apart I feel as if something is missing. It's strange that we feel this way when we barely know each other."

He smiled saying, "I know I thought the same thing." Then Buck leaned down and kissed her again. Sitting up he said, "I normally follow my head not my heart but this time I couldn't help it." She smiled to herself and snuggled into his arms as they rode back to the station.

Copyright 1999-This work is not to be reproduced without the permission of the author

The Way Station
Campfire Tales

