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Into the Sunset

Although I'm not very good at it, I LOVE to mess around with graphics programs. I've been trying to figure out how to do this kind of collage for a year (not very bright sometimes, am I?) and I've finally figured it out. I'm still learning, but I've made of few of these. They are beautiful (in my opinion) as wallpaper, especially if you have an option to stretch the picture over your entire screen!

And please, if you enjoy doing this kind of thing and would like to contribute some collages, I welcome them! Also, if you have a certain picture you'd like to see with a pretty background, I'd be happy to try and make you one! I can put any character on any of these backgrounds, so just ask if you'd like to see any of them mixed or matched! More are on the way!

ON to Page TWO of Sunset Collages! Click here!

ON to Page TWO of Sunset Collages! Click here!

If you find you like these pictures and like them as your wallpaper, let me know!

Bryan has combined an awesome Mail Carrier badge with each of the cast members! For Bryan's Backgrounds, Click here

For some funny "Got Milk" pictures by Jane that are good as Wallpaper, go here: Jane's Collages

The Way Station
Back to the Collage Page
