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This is the soon-to-be POETRY page.. This page is under construction.. check back later!!! Also if you have any poetry that u want me to put on here. EMAIL IT TO ME! thanks!

THROUGH THE PAIN - When someone dies, does God allow us to cry? Or is it some kind of sin that we should hold deep within? When I heard she was gone, something felt totally wrong. It didn't seem real. I hate the way I feel. So much hurt adds to so much pain. Will things truely ever be the same?Tears were cried; Hugs were shared. We came into this trial so unprepared.How to overcome this pain is a question that still remains. Everyone asks the question why, but is it really left up to us to decide? I long for God to show me why he takes the lives he does. With only 16 years behind her, she was killed like an innocent dove.Why is a question everyone asks about the present and the past. No one knows why it was her time, but maybe, just maybe, God had something special in mind. The grief that we share seems so incessant. Our hearts seems to have lost that part that was so incandescent. Are we really here just to live and die? Or is there a different truth to this so-called lie? God you see our hearts, you comfort our pain. Please don't let us go another day in vain. They say that what you love to do quickly becomes apart of you. I feel like a mime that cannot help but to keep everything silently but vigorously speaking inside. I want to be strong for all my friends; to help their hurt and pain come to an end. I look at myself and I try to be strong, but can i truely stay this way for long?.............................- Denise Parks................... .Dedicated to Jessica Nicole Halloway (Jan 1983-Jan 1999)

THE PUZZLE - Every relationship is a puzzle. It starts out with the pieces all scattered, but as time goes on some of them come together to fit perfectly. Sometimes there is an easy puzzle in which all the pieces are easy to find. They end up fitting together, perfectly forming that perfect picture. That perfect picture is marriage. Sometimes in a puzzle there will be pieces missing or maybe even just that one piece that makes the whole puzzle still incomplete. There cannot be a perfect puzzle without all the pieces. Each individual piece plays a role and holds value that makes the whole puzzle worthwhile and complete. Some puzzles, because the pieces are missing, can never be complete and perfect unless all the pieces are known and found. If one or some pieces are missing the whole puzzle may fall. If a puzzle falls apart, which many times it does because of circumstances or the foundation, do not worry. There will always be more puzzles and pieces to put back together. Not all puzzles are made to be perfect. There is only one. And until one finds that one perfect puzzle, where all the pieces are there and they fit together, there still may be that one piece that is missing that keeps the puzzle from being the perfect picture. But don't give up, for one day, though it may not be today, it will be found. -Denise Parks

FIRE IN YOU - A fire burned bright when God came into my life. When God brought you that fire burner ever true. It happened like a dream. Something one thought about but never really analized what it could truely mean. I see the fire in you that no one else can see. It's so hard to express how much you mean to me. God must have a plan of each of our hearts. I have words I wish I could say, but honestly, I have no idea where to start. I see the fire in your that surpasses that world's way. I hope together we will always stay. In you I see God, who shines like the sun. In you I see a fire, that flys like a dove. In you I see a smile, so warming and free. In you I see God's word working when He says, “ My grace is sufficient for thee.” Though only a couple of months have gone still I feel so strong about the way God’s working things out between us as each day goes on.The sweetness you show is always incessant. I wish there was a perfect thing that I could do for you. You deserve so much more than I could ever give you.I sit and think and can’t concentrate. But don’t worry, I’m sure you can relate. Even if we never were friends, on me you could always count on until the end. I’ll be a friend that’s there for you. Someone that’s honest, someone that’s true. God’s plan for us is what we’re finding out, but no matter what we’ll be friends forever without a doubt. As the years go by, I know I’ll continue to see, the fire the burns in you, the fire I love to see. - Denise Parks

THE MOST PRECIOUS THING - The most precious thing Is when you're sad and Someone makes you laugh The most precious thing Is when you were just about To give up but at the perfect time You are picked up and carried The most precious thing Is when you're loved not for who You were but who you are now The most precious thing Is when you have faith as little As a mustard seed and yet that brings All your hopes to reality The most precious thing Is when a father takes His child's hand and leads them through life The most precious thing Is when a groom says, "I do" And means it for an eternity The most precious thing is Is when, even though we don't Deserve that someone, they still Love us.The most precious thing Is someone loving you so much That he died for you to have life The most precious thing Is Jesus --Denise Parks

AFTER AWHILE - After awhile you learn the subtle differences between holding a hand and chaining a soul. You learn that love doesn’t mean leaning and company doesn’t mean security. And you begin to learn that kisses aren’t contracts and presents aren’t promises. And you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes are open with the grace of an adult not the grief of a child. And you learn to build all of your roads today because tomorrow’s ground is to uncertain for plans. After awhile you learn that even sunshine burns if you get to much. So plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone else to bring you flowers. And you learn that you really can endure.....That you really are strong...And you really do have worth.- author unknown

LOVE IS - Love is being happy for the other person when they are happy, being sad for the person, when they are sad, being together in good times, and being together in bad times Love is the source of strength. Love is being honest with yourself at all times, being honest with the other person at all times, telling, listening, respecting the truth, and never pretending. Love is the source of reality. Love is an understanding so complete that you feel as if you are a part of the other person, accepting the other person just the way they are and not trying to change them to be something else. Love is the source of unity. Love is the freedom to pursue your own desires while sharing your experiences with the other person; the growth of one individual alongside of and together with the growth of another individual. Love is the source of success. Love is the excitement of planning things together the excitement of doing things together. Love is the source of the future. Love is the fury of the storm; the calm in the rainbow. Love is the source of passion. Love is giving and taking in a daily situation being patient with each other's needs and desires. Love is the source of sharing. Love is knowing that the other person will always be with you regardless of what happens; missing the other person when they are away but remaining near in heart at all times. Love is the source of security. Love is the source of life. - by Susan Polis Schutz

ODE TO DENISE - I'm glad that all girls aren't like Denise Cause this would only serve to make me displeased She's so cool and so kind and especially neat I don't want anybody else to be so lucky, so I'll keep her for me Really darn pretty and smater than sin I really quite lucky to have such a friend And Im even more proud that she hangs around me Cause she's the only girl I know who'd look good in a gotee I know she knows she's cool somewhere in the back of her head So cool in fact that she's online right now and I can't go to bed. She makes me feel special cause she's special indeed. And that's why I wrote this Ode to Denise - By Gary Horne

THE ROAD NOT TAKEN - Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. -----Robert Frost

A DREAM WITHIN A DREAM - Take this kiss upon the brow! And, in parting from you now, Thus much let me avow: You are not wrong, who deem That my days have been a dream; Yet if hope has flown away In a night, or in a day, In a vision, or in none, Is it therefore the less gone? All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream. I stand amid the roar Of a surf-tormented shore, And I hold within my hand Grains of the golden sand -- How few! yet how they creep Through my fingers to the deep, While I weep -- while I weep! O God! can I not grasp Them with a tighter clasp? O God! can I not save One from the pitiless wave? Is all that we see or seem But a dream within a dream? ---- Edgar Allan Poe

GOODBYE - God took you away. It doesn't seem fair, but in the back of my mind, you will always be there. You weren't a close friend, but our paths did cross, and your absence in this world, is to me a great loss. You were too young to die, and too innocent to feel that pain. Only heaven benefits, because you it has now gained. I may think of you a little less with each passing day, but your strength is something I won't forget, you have changed me in a way. I wish for you eternal peace; that's what you deserve my friend. I hope I lead my life well enough to meet up with you in the end. ----Penny

YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU GOT UNTIL ITS GONE - Every where I go I see you there, You don't know and really don't care. You left me hangin, When I was on the edge. I'm fading fast and out on that ledge I can't carry on, Cause you don't know what you've got Until its gone. When you walked out on me, You took my life, Why can't you see? I don't know what to do...anymore. I really don't care what happens to me, Since you walked out that door. To leave me all alone, Cause you don't know what you've got Until its gone. When I see you it just puts me down, Take this gun and put me undergroud. I'd rather die than wake up alone, Cause you don't know what you've got Until its gone. You just don't know what you've got Until its gone.---- Brian Humphreys

THOUGHTS OF YOU - I find myself constantly thinking about you. About how I wish that I could just simply hold you near. Or draw you close to smell your sweet aroma. To cuddle with you forever whispering sweet words in your ear. But all these thoughts will sadly enough remain a fantasy. Because its impossible to draw something close that’s so far away. So until the next wonderful day I see you I’ll dream my dreams. And think about all the words that I want and need to say. The fact that your there and I’m here won’t stop me. From loving you in the incessant way that I do. I know soon my phone will ring and I will hear your voice. And all my emotions held deep inside will become fresh and new. I long to hold your hand and to see your radiant smile. To look deep into the affectionate eyes that I so adore. Not paying attention to anyone or thing around me. And finally knowing the feeling of true love never felt before. Whenever I’m around you my heart races a mile a minute. And I just wish that somehow the world would stand still. So you and I could be together, sublimely happy, for eternity. Then the fantasies that I dare to dream would finally be fulfilled. The amazing love that I feel for you is overwhelming. It clouds my mind and makes it almost impossible to concentrate. The thought that someone like you would love someone like me. Amazes me and I come to the realization that we’re together by fate. I hope that you will keep these words close to your heart and mind. Remember them during those lonesome days when we are apart. Always know that the feelings I have for you will never die out. I pray that you feel the same about me and will keep me in your heart.- written by Wendi Grimes

HOME IN THE SKY - My goal cannot be obtained alone with human effort, But with the strength of my God. I will rise to the top Constantly fighting the world and those in it. Telling Satan and his evil friends to stop. You won’t win me over Though you always will try. I will never turn to the world for answers. But instead I will look to the sky. Yes I may fall And sometimes I fail . Yet with God on my side In the end I will prevail. You cannot darken my path That God has set for me, Because he is the light at the end of the tunnel And right beside me is where he will always be With his word as my shield And his promise as my knife. To win souls for him I will go through any strife. I am an heir to all he has Although I am so unworthy. Overwhelmed by the power of his great love, I remember that on the cross he died for me. In my heart he will always stay And the fire for him will never die Until the day that he takes me away To my waiting home in the sky. - Written by Wendi Grimes

BOX MADE OF US - I think of the times we've met How could I have ever forget you now. Forget the way you talk to me. The way you say sweet things. How can I lose something I want so badly? Something that means so much. So much that I want to cry. But I choke back the tears; the tears I wish you could kiss away. The tears that I don't want to stay. Stay is a word that I want you to do. I want you to come and never leave, But I know that you would stay if you could, but you can't So I must let go. Let go of the things I want to hold. All the things I want to keep inside a little box made of you. Made of love and made from scratch. Not something that we found, But something we made. What we made is so nice, So nice that it's so hard to let go. I don't want to let go . But there's no way now. No way to let out love grow. It would just hurt more. I can hear the drums I can hear them beat. It sounds like my heart . The melody of my heart you understand I saw that the first time we met. You made me relize everything that I had been blind to. You made things clear without even saying a word. You made me see that I'm worth love. I see that you want to love me and you see that I want to love you, But it's to hard. It's to hard to hold on to it.. We want it so bad but what can we do? We can try, But we don't know how How to hold it in the box made of us -Ashley S. Henry

HOLDING MY HAND THRU THE STORM - Hold my hand.That's all I want is for you to hold my hand And lead me through the rain.The rain that always pushes me down. Down to the bottom of the puddle. Created by the laughs of others and the stares of the people around me. But you put your jacket down for me. You pick me up and hold my hand and I don't step in the mess of this world. But now I have to walk in the rain by myself…And I hate it. I hate having to walk around the puddles, and I don't like rain hitting me in my face.But since your not here I can't ask you for help I have to walk though it.But you'll be back for me I know. Because I know you want to stay with me for ever in this life. It's hard to give up something that you never thought you could have. - Ashley Henry

UNTITLED (for now) - Innocent and shy is the look up your face. Every time I’m with you, you put a smile on my face. You dry my tears like no one else can. You always have the right words to say. When I’m down or even up you’re always there to bring me up. You’re so tiny and small not big enough to be tall. You may be a little person but I can see that you have so much potential. You love unconditionally. You make even the darkest of my days blue. I owe you so much of the happiness that comes into my life everyday brings a new surprise. I can see the fire of happiness in your eyes. You have faith that surpasses everything you see I wish you could know how much you mean to me. You make me laugh with all your little ways. I don’t know what I would do without you around. You make me laugh; you make me cry. Your so precious sometimes it kills me inside. Your sweet smile is all I need. You don’t even have to make a sound. When you grow up and in time I hope you see that God made you an incredible person. He has a plan for you, you’ll see. Your curly hair and dark skin just shows how beautiful you are but your heart surpasses your outward beauty. You’re like a morning star. You’re like a fresh cut rose that has yet to see the rest of the garden. You’re only four and still have so many years a head of you. Always and forever I will protect you. I’d give my life for you. I can’t wait to see you start school, become a teenager, graduate, get married and all that good stuff. I thank God for you being alive. Thru you, he gave me a brand new start. I just wanted to say thank you for the past 4 years. You’ve touched my life in a way no one has and I know you will in the years to come. I pray that one day when you read this, you will truly see, that you may not be my biological sister, but you are my sister regardless and you mean the world to me. ------Dedicated to my little sister Allison Sara. I love you - Denise Parks

PHILIPPIANS 4 - Standing firm has never felt this way, I live to worship, and worship when i pray. I rejoice in the Lord, I always will, For the Lord is near so peace be still. Be gentle, not anxious, about anything, Let prayer and submission, present great thanksgiving. Peace of God which understanding transended, Will guard our hearts through minds attended. Whatever is right, pure, lovely and admirable, If anything worthy, also desirable. Whatever learned, or relieved, heard from God, Put into practice, as Moses did the rod. Peace will be with you, sent only from Him, Shine ever so bright, never to be dim. I rejoice greatly in the Lord, concerned ever so, But given the chance, no oppurtunity did you show. Need or want, you be the judge, Have contentness in circumstances, don't hold a grudge. I know I have plenty that God's given me, God gave me so much, two eyes which can see, Though I do have troubles, not a knot, just a kink, Straitened out by He, who gives me strength. Fruit of the spirit to accomplish, a ton, I long for the day, when I'll hear "well done". But God shall supply, our needs, by His glory, Sacrifices well worth it, to end a great story. - Ryan Moose

THE DREAM - Last night I had a dream And in it I saw you Slowly you walked towards me Against the sky of blue As you stood before me My heartbeat quickened in pace We shared our love with no words As we stood face to face Gently you took my hand in yours As we walked along the shore Sweetly you looked into my eyes To tell me of your great love once more I saw the twinkle in your eyes As we stopped under the moonlight The stars shone brightly above And I knew I would never forget this night Suddenly you were pulled away And from my dream I awoke Missing you and the time we shared I knew my heart had broke So now on this day I sit and think Of the dream I dreamt last night Hoping to see you as I rest I roll over and turn out the light -Wendi Grimes

LOVING ME STILL - Whoever says that being a Christian is an easy thing to do is a liar! Day by day I struggle to keep up with you and stay in your will Yet constantly I fail, falling face first onto the ground that you created Then I fall before you, and you pick me up, somehow loving me still I’m confused by my own emotions and thoughts spinning in my head Wondering which voices are of my sinful nature, and which are spoken by you I again kneel, praying to you at the altar, giving it all away You gladly take it all from me, including my worries and fears too But just like the torn and confused teenage I am, I take it all back And I don’t understand why, but you let me, and you’re loving me still Sometimes, God, I think that I have your plan for me all figured out It’s all going great, and with you by my side I’ve climbed the steepest hill Then you unexpectantly change things, taking everything apart You break me, knocking me down, only to once again pick me up and carry me You reach me speaking the words you’ve been wanting to say and I’ve been longing to hear “ My child, I love you. I am here and I always will be “ I try to block out my haunting past....all the scarring lies and lonely days of betrayal To devote myself whole heartedly, one hundred percent to living right with you So energized by your words of extreme comfort and love I try again Picking me up you send me back out into the world fresh and new For awhile I do good, walking in your will, using your nailed promise as my strength Then all of a sudden, it happens, unconsciously just as before I think that I have everything all figured out, then once again you rip my world apart Again I am on my knees, this time begging you, my Savior, for more More of your strength, power, knowledge, understanding, and love More of your promise, the comfort you offer, and the security of your always caring way As the frustration begins to take its toll I fall crying, reaching for you and your saving grace I begin to pray “ Father have mercy on me, I’m broken for you, and I long for you everyday “ Finally I come to the realization of the lesson to be learned from all of this confusion Through all of this heartache and seemingly endless pain there rises a God and his will And although I may fall and often even stray away from him at times I have the faith to know that he will break me and be there to pick me up....loving me still written by: Wendi Grimes

EMOTIONS OF THE WORLD – So many emotions. So many different ways to express. So many different situations that bring out the worst or bring out the best. An emotion to me is the feeling I have, that results from a situation that can be good or bad. Sadness is an emotion that makes us shed our tears. Happiness is an emotion that helps us forget all our fears. Misery is an emotion that combines all our tears. Love is an emotion who’s opposite is hate. Hate is an emotion that sadly too many people can relate. Love is like a mother who holds her child tight. Hate is a like a murder who kills during a clear night. Guilt is an emotion that we feel when something was done wrong. Fear is an emotion we feel when were standing alone singing a song. Laughter is an emotion everyone seems to enjoy. Grief is an emotion that can instantly take our joy. Jealousy is an emotion they say comes from the heart when you are for someone so much and you don’t want to loose them; that anger begins to start. Loneliness is an emotion that comes when you feel now one loves you, but truly someone actually does. Sorrow is an emotion that we all express; it hits us when we’re feeling the worst or even at our best. Joy is an emotion that surpasses what we feel could please. The only one who can really give us true joy is the one who made all of these. – Denise Parks

IF I DIED TOMORROW - If I died tomorrow, would anyone care? Or would they just stop, maybe look or give a stare. If I died tomorrow, would anyone care? Or would God just say, “ I had to take you from there.” If I died tomorrow, would anyone see that maybe it wasn’t so bad getting to know me? If I died tomorrow, would anyone look? Or would they just judge me like the cover of a book. If I died tomorrow, would anyone be sad? Or would they be happy, mad or even glad? If I died tomorrow, would anyone know how I died or where I would go? If I died tomorrow, would anyone cry? May there wouldn’t even be a tear in their eye. If I died tomorrow, would anyone see what kind of person I really came to be? - Denise Parks ( possibly not finished!)

YOU AND ME ( MY FAREWELL ADDRESS) Lost, In a world of memories of what I use to be Lost, In plans I had for us Now its over and I'm gone I just wish I could carry on I'm quiting now, No longer will I be... A shadow of my former self Cause there will never be...You and Me Though the times were fun A relationship we never had I'm backing off now, But only one of us is sad I really don't know how I thought there was a chance I guess I was wrong, I guess there will never be...You and Me Reality just hit me What I want to know is why Its just too hard to say goodbye? But who am I kidding Why can't you see? That you hold the key for...You and Me What was I thinking Why didn't I see? Someone like You Could never love someone like...Me Backing off now Its time to begin a new But I guess it won't be with...Me and You With this I bid You farewell I just wanted to say I guess no one really cares That my whole world has just slipped away I leave You with this My final words You see I guess I will never be... With the love of my life...MISTY T. - Brian Humphreys

SADDNESS FALLS UPON WORDS WITH NO MEANING - so many words so little they say only that I love you more every day living with this feeling of being hollow inside feels like someone stole my heart then I died wanting to hold you wanting to know you its not a lie when I say I miss you I loved you before I met you im sorry if I make you sad, im sorry your shy im sorry that I cant hide my feelings , im not like you im sorry I come to close and that you move away im sorry all I want to do I cry every day I waste my day trying to figure out what I can do or what I can say that will make you understand, I waste the day and I never figure it out its like my day repeats it self over and over again it makes me tired but I never sleep. - Unknown


Emotions: Emotions are falsely hosted by struggling perfomers who act out an appealing hand that you cannot help but want to hold. Feelings: Our senses gather from our feelings and relay to our conscience the message that appears to be delivered by the everso fragrant flower that knocks on your heart. Reality: We're taught to believe our conscience, but for what it's worth, I'd rather believe my heart. At least I know that one thing will always remain there. You can skip rocks on the tears you cry, but Christ says you can ride the waves of the blood that poured from his wounds and be healed.........By Ben Walker (awesome guy from JUST LIKE JONAH - check out their band page on LINKS)