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Here's some more piks of peeps.... enjoy!


These are my girls.... Shweetz (AShley - on the left) and Wendi-Lou (Wendi - on the right). I'm in the middle. Somehow I always get stuck in the middle...... These girls as my bestest chic amigas that God has blessed me with!! We're soon bringing our band to meet the world .We're called Aberbmoul's Limit. We have more peeps in the band besides us three but we were limited to camera use so the other members were not present in this shoot. For more info - just ask :)


Ok.. here you have it. This is one of the closest peeps to me. This is Wendi (the left) I've known her for about two yrs. You'll see her in many of my piks. We call her crazy, abnormal, hilarious, AWESOME self Wendi-Lou. Check out her page!------------------------------------------------------------------------->'s a crazy picture. This is my friends ( from the left to right).. Don, Wendi, Liz and Kyle... WE were in the "mall" in Waycross so they decided to be crazy and take a pik with the Chick-fil-a Kow... So this is what came to be LOL...