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Hello! From Ontario

The Maple Leaf is the official Leaf of Ontario. It can be found most any where in Canada!

This is a picture of Ontario's Maple Leaf

The Trillium is the official flower of Ontario. It can be found in most woodlands in April and May.!

This is a picture of Ontario's Flower called The Trillium

On June 23, 1994, the Avian Emblem Act was proclaimed and the Loon was declared as the official bird of Ontario.

This is a picture of Ontario's Bird called the Loon

This is a picture of our Canada Geese.

This is a picture of Canada Geese

A very fun place to be with lots of things to do

This is a picture of Ontario Place

A Postcard of our City Hall Government Building

This is a picture of Toronto City Hall

DownTown Toronto Nathan Philip Square all lit up

This is a picture of Nathan Philip Square

This is the spot where every-one has their Honeymoon and it is just a great place to visit.

This is a picture of Niagara Falls

This is where our Football and Base ball games are held

This is a picture of The Skydome

This is a post card of our famous Woodbine Racetrack

This is a picture of Our Woodbine Racetrack

This is a place where all our Hockey games are held

This is a picture of the gate to Air Canada Center

This is a picture of Ontario Science Center

This is a picture of the Ontario Science Center

This is a picture of the Queen At Candore College in North Bay

This is a picture of the Queen At Candore College

North Bay, Ontario

In this post card you can see the Royal Canadian Mounted Police

A picture of Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Sir Henry Pellatt, the dreamer behind Toronto's famous landmark, Casa Loma, was born in Kingston, Ontario on January 6, 1859 to British parents.

This is a picture of Casa Loma

In this post card you can see the Skydome and the CN Tower

This is a picture of Toronto downtown

O Canada!

Our home and native land!

True patriot love in all thy sons command.

With glowing hearts we see thee rise,

The True North strong and free!

From far and wide,

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

God keep our land glorious and free!

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

Toronto Sun NewsPaper!

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