Monkey-Faced Cookies


1/2 c Shortening; plus:
2 tb Shortening
2 1/2 c Sifted flour
1 ts Soda
1/2 ts Salt
1/2 ts Ginger
1/2 ts Cinnamon
1/2 c Molasses
1/2 c Rich sour milk
1 ts Vinegar

Cream together shortening and brown sugar.

Sift together flour, soda, salt, ginger and cinnamon. Add alternately with molasses mixed with sour milk. Blend in vinegar.

Drop by tsp. on greased baking sheet. Place 3 raisins or bits of citron on each for eyes and mouth.

Bake 10 to 15 minutes in moderate oven (350 degrees F). Makes about 3 dozen.

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