Mounds Cake

This cake is rich with lots of sweet flavor. Be creative and top it off with cookie crumbs or favorite, Christmas, Halloween candy Enjoy!


1 Box of dark chocolate cake mix (I used a chocolate fudge cake mix)
1 Cup of sugar
14 oz coconut
1/2 Cup of milk
1 1/2 Cups of chocolate chips
1 Cup of milk
24 large marshmallows
1 1/2 Cups of sugar
1 stick oleo or butter


Prepare and bake cake mix according to directions on box.

Bake in a large 12 / 15 inch or 9 x 13 inch sheet pan.

Heat 1-cup milk, 1-cup sugar, marshmallows, and coconut until dissolved over medium heat. Pour over cake while hot.

Heat slowly until its boiling, 1 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2-cup milk, oleo and chocolate chips. Stir until melted and pour on top of coconut mixture.

Let cool and serve.

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