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1 cup boiling water in pan
1 stick of butter or margarine
1 cup sifted flour
4 eggs

Make sure butter is melted before you add flour. Water must be full rolling boil. Mix well until ball forms of dough. Put in mixing bowl. Add 1 egg at a time mixing well, until there are four eggs in batter. Make sure batter is mixed well. Drop on ungreased cookie sheet Teaspoon for baby puffs Tablespoon for Mama puffs Bake at 400 for 40 to 45 min. or until golden

Mix instant pudding mix Add cool whip to pudding mix Fill puff and then sprinkle with powdered sugar Vanilla, or chocolate pudding

Yum, Yum Deee Leee Cioussssssssssssss!!!!!!

Hugs.........................Ruth (Rum flavor is good in the pudding mix sometimes if you like Rum)


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