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All About Me!

Life is Yours. Believe in yourself. Take the Power to choose what you want to do, and do it well!     

Hi!:-)~Greetings from the wonderful, and peaceful country of Canada.
Page has been updated as you read on

Here I will tell you a bit about myself. My name is Debbie....aka Monkey. I am 44 years old and I live in the Province of Ontario. I have many interests...too many probably! When I got my computer one year ago, It took me about a week to become completely addicted to it. Once I went online, I was beyond help! I got hooked on ICQ chat rooms the very first night. I have met many incredible people and have developed some very close friendships. I've met some of the people I met online in person and those times were fantastic. It was a very positive experience that I will always cherish as long as I live.

I have learned a lot in html with this website and with my two others. When I first started playing on the computer, I had to rely on my closest and Dearest friend Wolfey to talk me through every little step of the way, because I had NO idea what I was doing!!!

Aside from my computer, I spend a great deal of time with my pets. I have two dogs...Timber, and Rigel. I also have some fish, in a twenty five gallon fishtank, Wolfey bought it for me two years ago, as a Christmas present. It gives me much pleasure, and something to talk about to my friends that drop by for coffee and tea. Some of my other hobbies include reading, camping, gardening, crafts, and of course my poetry which I enjoyed very much. I also enjoy just sitting around having a coffee and a good conversation with my friends and having a good laugh:-)

My other love is for my children. I have two of my own, My oldest my daughter Amy who is 23 years of age. My youngest, my son Mike who is 16 years of age . My daughter has given me two lovely grandsons named Douglas and Bryan. My family is very important to me. Although we don't all get along all the time, I consider myself very blessed that most of my close and extended family lives close by. We get together often. Once a year, in late December, we have a big family reunion for Christmas.

I am a very compulsive person and my biggest compulsion right now is the computer. I'm not picking up html as quickly as I'd like to, but I'm slowly learning. Had anyone told me 2 years ago that I would be sitting in front of this little box for hours on end talking to people I've never met before I'd have thought they were crazy, but I guess it's like just don't understand until you try it. I feel privileged to live in a time when we have the technology and means to do this. I have met some of the most amazing and wonderful friends I've ever known online and I thoroughly enjoy surfing other peoples' websites and getting to learn a bit about them!

Latest up date

I was 44 years old when I started this website, and I am now 46 going on 47:-) My daughter has since told me that there will be a new addition to our family in the first week of April. I can hardly wait:-) My Dear Mom had passed away this Feb. also and has brought on some very sad moments to our family. But know that her soul shines through all of us....

Okay here goes another Update lol. I am now 48 years old. My Daughter gave birth to another lovely son on March 31, 2003. His name is Alexander. On the First of June 2004 my dear friends Bob and Tresa drove all the way from Michigan to pick me up and take me back to thier home for the most amazing wonderful 2 week Holiday. They will be returning to my home for the Christmas holidays. I can not wait for them to arrive. "Thank You" so very much my dear friends for showing me so much love you have given me these past few years of my life.

My daughter has given me even more greater news then I could ever imagine:-)She will be having another baby and this time she will give me a Granddaughter. Three Grandsons and one Granddaughter. What more can a Grandma ask for:-) look for the arrival in April

It is now April 13, 2005 and my baby Granddaughter Carmella is finally here. And you guest it this Grandma is on cloud nine lol. I can't wait to spend time with this little Angel. Oh my mom would be so proud of her as much as I am.

Latest Up Date

It is now the year 2006, and I am half a 100 years away lol. Yes I had my 50th birthday on March 23, 2006 and hit 50 wow just imagine . But whats even harder to imagine is this 50 year old lady loves to play World Of Warcraft lol. I have met some real awsome people on this game server. The Character I play is Kana and I am a level 50 Mage. I can't wait to reach my goal at level 60:-) I know it won't be long specially with the support and help of my Tauren Heros:-) And more so with the help from the love of my life, my dearest friend Wolfey who also plays the Character Kand level 60 Warlock, in World Of Warcraft.

You are all awsome :-) The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them. That is the essence of inhumanity. "Let's change the animal abuse law from a misdemeanor to a felony." How much more suffering does our furry friends have to go through before something is done?

Magical Name Acronym Generator! Go-Quiz - Great, Odd, Quirky, Unique, Interesting, Z... Z.. ZANY! Nothing is more important to a person than their name. It is a label we are given at birth and therefore can affect our personality as we grow up and become individuals. Name acronyms have been around for a very long time. This generator will take your real name or blog/journal username and tell you what each letter of it means about your personality. Do your own or do one for a friend or girlfriend! The things you learn about yourself or others in this test may be important! MMysticalOOddNNuttyKKinkyEEnjoyableYYoung

Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

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So Until the next time
Hello ((((((( MY SPECIAL FRIEND )))))))
Have a wonderful day today. :-)

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I would like to say a special, "Thank You" to all the people who have taken the time to sign my Guestbook on my home page and for all their encouraging comments.

Thanks so much for visiting! @(*.*)@ HUGS