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Graphic By Wolfey Save The WolvesGraphic By Wolfey
Go Save A Wolf
~The Cry~

The cry of the wolf
Echoed in what seemed
To be an endless night,
With an endless song
Of joy and happieness.

This creature has but
A simple life.
A life to hunt.
A life to live another day,
And continue its
Joyus song,
For all eternity.

We can help!! The Defenders of Wildlife are making an effort at getting the Canadian government to put a stop to these inhumane acts against our brother, the Wolf. They need OUR support. Please go to their site to determine what YOU can do.
Of course any contribution will be tax deductible, but think of how you will feel knowing you did your part.
Click on the above picture to take you to The Defenders of Wildlife. You can make a difference...

Graphic By Wolfey             Graphic By Wolfey
Graphic By Wolfey             Graphic By Wolfey
Graphic By Wolfey             Graphic By Wolfey

Mater of The Wolves

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