< About Otaku New Castle
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In the Beginning

A long, long time ago in a place of non existence lived a young Otaku in training. She loved all types of anime from Sailor Moon to Samuri X, to Akira and X/1999 even down to Yu-Gi-Oh and Dragoon. But she was all alone, and her videos and ufo's could only say so much. So she decided to take what few resources she had and create a club for all types of anime fans not only in the far off land of Delaware but everywhere! However that goal has yet to be reached... But you can Help!

I can Help?

For you see the lonely little girl wasnt so little anymore and becoming a teenager with no friends was hard. So she gained the support of the internet! Where all anime fans remotely close to Delaware could come to gether hand and hand and TALK ABOUT ANIME!!! And with the growing support she hopes to recieve she can continue to help all anime fans out there. And thoes anime fans will hopefully continue to support her.

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So your gonna join huh? Well then thats easy! All you have to do is go to the main page with the pic of Me and my friend Jenny on it and click the How 2 Join button or Sign Up Here