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Form and Function

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Structure Location
Circulatory System  
dorsal blood vessel length of body above intestine
subneural blood vessel length of body below intestine
hearts segments 6-10
ventral blood vessel length of body below intestine
Digestive / Excretory System  
nephridium pair in each segment
intestine from segment 19 or 20 to end of body
lumen of intestine inside of intestine
typhlosole inside central folds on intestine
chloragogue cells surrounding outside of intestine
mouth at the very end of the anterior
pharynx segment 3
pharyngeal muscles on either side of pharynx in segment 3
esophogus segments 4-12
crop segments 13-14
gizzard segments 15-18
Nervous System  
ventral nerve cord length of body below intestine
brain segment 2 above pharynx
Reproductive System  
oviduct segments 12-13, pair
ovary segment 12, pair
seminal receptacles segments 8-9, two pairs
seminal vesicles segments 8-11, large, two on either side of esophogus
testes by seminal vesicles
ductus deferens by seminal vesicles
Muscular System  
circular muscles length of body, outside of longitudinal muscles
longitudinal muscles length of body, inside of circular muscles
setae each segment except first and last one
Other Structures  
epidermis outside of entire body
peritoneum between each segment
coelom (describes entire worm structure)