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Cecil's Personal Thoughts

Wednesday, 6 September 2006

geez! buhay pa pala to!
Mood:  not sure
wow i already forgotten my blog! but anyways i guess i'll have to summarize everything that happened to me from the last time i posted. ok, i'll try here it goes: ron completed his 10 month work as a seaman at marco polo, he left last aug '05 and returned june '06... my eldest sister went home feb. '06 with her beautiful daughter... i already scheduled my planned visit to a doctor(OB) to prepare for our(me and my husband's)project that is have a baby!) youngest sis got married last aug '06 and she's pregnant now i'm envy :( well as soon as my husband returned we keep on trying to conceive but unfortunately we're unsuccessful... my hubby's scheduled return to the ship got postponed(he'll return on nov.) so that's the bad news but the good news is that we'll have another chance to try to conceive! we visited my OB just yesterday and she had some bad news to me. she said that i may have blocked fallopian tubes so i must undergo a hysterogram or HSG. she's still not sure so i hope she's wrong. she said that if my period didn't come on sept. 19(which is day 28 of my cycle) i must take a pregnancy test on the 21st. Now we're praying hard that my period wont come, i still believe that we can do it! we just have to be positive and pray hard and of course work hard... Lilypie Trying To Conceive Ticker

Posted by de2/cecil at 7:15 PM JST
Updated: Friday, 22 September 2006 10:01 AM JST
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