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Cecil's Personal Thoughts

Monday, 11 September 2006

Mood:  a-ok
so it's the 5th anniversary of 9-11 attacks. i watched CNN special about it and i must admit that up to now i feel sad about what happened and of course I sympathized with the family of the victims which some of those had never been found. If that happened to me like if I lost any member of my family I would be crashed! Knock on wood I hope that never happens to me. Anyway yesterday marj and I chatted at YM. I finally saw her after 5 months via webcam. I think she looks ok though she shed some pounds. We only chatted for like 1 hour and I am certain that it wont be the last time since she has her own laptop and I have a pc at home. I'm on normal time sched already and I cant wait to go home… it's12:32pm now konti na lang uwian na…he he he...

Lilypie Trying To Conceive Ticker

Posted by de2/cecil at 1:43 PM JST
Updated: Friday, 22 September 2006 10:03 AM JST
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