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Cecil's Personal Thoughts

Thursday, 21 December 2006

Mood:  lazy
Didn’t have the time to update my blog so I’ll just summarize everything that happened last month and early this month. dianne successfully had her baby shower last nov.11 which was attended by our closest friends. While my kuya arrived a week later last nov.20. we had some problems with him which I cannot give details, all I can say is he no longer stays in our house. Well whatever makes him happy… I also have the key to our house(at last!) we had our final inspection last dec.4 and I went to the head office to settle some papers before they hand me the keys. We also had our company Christmas party last dec.8 and it was ok, I must admit that I was kinda getting tired of attending our Christmas party coz it’s always the same… we had guests singing, eating same kinds of foods(which sucks by the way) had some raffle, well it’s different this year coz I actually one at last! Well it’s just a minor prize…500pesos! Then at the end of the party there was a band and some dancing. By this time I wanted to go home that I didn’t bothered even going in front of the stage to dance(unlike the previous years). We also had our group’s Christmas party in tagaytay last dec.16. it was more fun and I did enjoyed it unlike our company party. i brought benok along and I think he also enjoyed going. We had games and there’s plenty of food! I was dead tired when we got home coz of all the activities that we did at tagaytay. Anyways I also saw my friends from tenement, sisters gandha and dhes! They’re here for their Christmas vacation and I’m just glad to see them again. Lastly me and my husband just had a major problem that I thought we would eventually separate. I really thought it’s the end for us because of this. I cannot elaborate on this coz we were able to fix it just yesterday. I really want to trust him again but I think it would take time to be able to that. I want him to earn my trust the hard way so I’m kinda cold at him now but I just love him that I’m willing to give our marriage another chance. But I want to make it clear that it’s not another girl or third party that almost ruin our marriage.

It’s only 4 days before Christmas and I’m really hoping 2007 will be a better year not only for me but for my whole family. There’s really a lot to look forward to next year, a baby for Dianne, our house, my husband coming home. I’m looking forward to next year I just hope we’ll have a really good year next year…

Posted by de2/cecil at 9:10 AM WST
Updated: Friday, 31 August 2007 12:29 PM JST
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