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Cecil's Personal Thoughts

Sunday, 25 February 2007

So many thoughts so little time...
Mood:  hungry
Heyah! Wow I missed my blog! I was very busy this past few months for so many reasons: work, family, the holidays, Dianne’s baby which by the way turned out be so cute! His name is Adriel and he was born last Jan. 16, 2007. We were so happy with his arrival and just 2 weeks ago my eldest sister and her daughter Marielle arrived from Singapore, so basically our house seem to be very busy nowadays with a baby crying and a toddler who seemed to can’t stay on one place. Marielle literally ransacked our house!!! She’s a very naughty girl but nevertheless a very lovable one. Anyway my Ate Cherry just had her hair rebonded at F Salon(the newly opened salon at Imus Cavite). With the price of P2700 I think it’s already a bargain considering that it turned out to be good! Other salons may have charged her with a steeper price like 4-5K, well I’m thinking to have my hair rebonded there but I still don’t have an extra money for that. Sana, soon!

Elections here are soon coming that’s why you can see so many candidates appearing on print/tv ads with different kinds of gimmicks. I myself sometimes find it funny how some(if not all) candidates are doing with their campaigns like defensor, zubiri, manny villar and kiko p., when you see their tv ads they look like an idiot!!! I’m sorry but I really do! Esp. villar and zubiri with the dancing, wow I cant seem to respect them anymore! Doing that to get a vote? I think they just lost god how many votes there! How bout this guy named prospero pichay? His slogan “pangarap kong tuparin ang pangarap nyo” sucked bigtime! I mean how can you believe this guy? Only an idiot will do I tell you! I mean there was this woman in his tv ad who wished for a proper house and he just said he wants her dreams to come true? Who honestly believe this crap? And here comes Manny Pacquiao who is running for congressman at his hometown. I had so much respect for this man coz of his achievements in boxing but it was quickly gone when he decided to enter politics. I’m not being too intellectual and all but how can you honestly say he will be a good congressman? He didn’t even finished highschool! He didn’t even had a background even as a brgy tanod in his hometown! And now he wants to run in the congress? Holy cow! What made him think of running!!! Oh I know, the idiots on the administration who wants to use the poor boxer for a guaranteed vote! Of course we all know how popular pacquiao is so they’re using him, yes for a vote! How sad…hmmm I think I may pass the elections I might as well work on that day anyway I had a very bad track record when it comes on choosing candidates. Most of the ones I chose always loses so what’s the point?

What I’m excited now is the upcoming Academy Awards on Feb.26. I wish Leo will finally win but I dont think so, so i guess I’ll just be happy to see his pretty face on the red carpet and the ceremony itself. I’m actually rooting for The Departed but who knows? Maybe others will pull an upset but I hope Scorsese finally wins he deserves an Oscar… NOW!!!

Hay miss my husband… it’s been 4 months now. Well the good news is I’ll be waiting for only 6 months(konti na lang!) before he returns home. I wish we could soon have a baby, that’s all we’ve been wishing for! Anyways gotta go, I’m hungry na and I’m at work… see yah!

Posted by de2/cecil at 2:20 AM WST
Updated: Friday, 31 August 2007 12:30 PM JST
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