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Cecil's Personal Thoughts

Monday, 11 September 2006

Mood:  a-ok
so it's the 5th anniversary of 9-11 attacks. i watched CNN special about it and i must admit that up to now i feel sad about what happened and of course I sympathized with the family of the victims which some of those had never been found. If that happened to me like if I lost any member of my family I would be crashed! Knock on wood I hope that never happens to me. Anyway yesterday marj and I chatted at YM. I finally saw her after 5 months via webcam. I think she looks ok though she shed some pounds. We only chatted for like 1 hour and I am certain that it wont be the last time since she has her own laptop and I have a pc at home. I'm on normal time sched already and I cant wait to go home… it's12:32pm now konti na lang uwian na…he he he...

Lilypie Trying To Conceive Ticker

Posted by de2/cecil at 1:43 PM JST
Updated: Friday, 22 September 2006 10:03 AM JST
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Saturday, 9 September 2006

Mood:  a-ok
well it's a day after my birthday and well i spent my big day with my family and of course my hubby. nanay and nora cooked spaghetti, beef steak and fried chicken. dianne bought ice cream(coffee crumble my favorite!) i bought cake and most of all my hubby gave me flowers...aaawww! now that's sweet! ron and i also went to baclaran church which has become sort of a ritual for me when my birthday comes. and ate cherry also called yesterday to greet me. i posted some of the photos yesterday, take a peek!

Me with the flowers that my hubby gave me...

The message, isn't it sweet?

With Dianne, Niknok, me and Jam

Me and Ron

Posted by de2/cecil at 10:46 AM JST
Updated: Monday, 11 September 2006 1:30 PM JST
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Thursday, 7 September 2006

Me & My Hubby!
Mood:  cool
ok here's my pic with my husband... wala lang just sharing some of our pics together...

At SM Mall of Asia...

At Boracay...

Studio Pic...

Posted by de2/cecil at 6:31 PM JST
Updated: Thursday, 7 September 2006 6:36 PM JST
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Pre Birthday
well it's a day before my birthday, another year has added on my age and i'm getting old already :( bumili si ron ng mga ihahanda ko bukas, like spaghetti, chicken and other stuff sa market. i'm here at work and nothing much work to do as of now. i treated some of them kc kinakantyawan nila ako. plan namin tomorrow is, me and ron will be going to baclaran church(coz i always do that every year on my birthday). i only invited my relatives and none of my workmates will come at our house tomorrow although i invited them. i'll post my birthday pics as soon as i uploaded them....

Lilypie Trying To Conceive Ticker

Posted by de2/cecil at 6:23 PM JST
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Marielle Then and Now...
Mood:  don't ask
just wanna share with you pics of my pamangkin then and now... look how time flies ang bilis nya lumaki!

Then(6 months)...

Now(2 yrs old)...

Posted by de2/cecil at 6:16 PM JST
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Wednesday, 6 September 2006

geez! buhay pa pala to!
Mood:  not sure
wow i already forgotten my blog! but anyways i guess i'll have to summarize everything that happened to me from the last time i posted. ok, i'll try here it goes: ron completed his 10 month work as a seaman at marco polo, he left last aug '05 and returned june '06... my eldest sister went home feb. '06 with her beautiful daughter... i already scheduled my planned visit to a doctor(OB) to prepare for our(me and my husband's)project that is have a baby!) youngest sis got married last aug '06 and she's pregnant now i'm envy :( well as soon as my husband returned we keep on trying to conceive but unfortunately we're unsuccessful... my hubby's scheduled return to the ship got postponed(he'll return on nov.) so that's the bad news but the good news is that we'll have another chance to try to conceive! we visited my OB just yesterday and she had some bad news to me. she said that i may have blocked fallopian tubes so i must undergo a hysterogram or HSG. she's still not sure so i hope she's wrong. she said that if my period didn't come on sept. 19(which is day 28 of my cycle) i must take a pregnancy test on the 21st. Now we're praying hard that my period wont come, i still believe that we can do it! we just have to be positive and pray hard and of course work hard... Lilypie Trying To Conceive Ticker

Posted by de2/cecil at 7:15 PM JST
Updated: Friday, 22 September 2006 10:01 AM JST
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Mood:  hungry
share ko lang pic with my workmates, this is my latest pic! next time na lang with my husband...


Posted by de2/cecil at 6:30 PM JST
Updated: Friday, 22 September 2006 10:09 AM JST
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Saturday, 28 May 2005

Mood:  energetic
hello! i'm back after almost 2 years! wow i've been THAT busy i guess! well so many things happened on my personal life that i can't even have the time to update my blog. first of all i'm already MARRIED of course who else but to the love of my life RON! we got married dec. 3, 2004 and it was indeed a special moment for both of us. i'm still not pregnant and i'm becoming more and more impatient of this that is because i feel that anytime Ron will be leaving to work as a seaman. you see he's preparing for this for 4 months now and just last week he had his medical check up and yeterday he just got his result and it says he's fit to work! i'm so happy for him but at the same time sad that he'll be leaving me for what 8-10 months? what about me? what will happen to me if i dont get pregnant? it would be to hard for me, not being pregnant and my husband leaving... my i'd be so depressed! anyway about my work, i've been scheduled to work normal time twice but now i'm again on crewing sched. this is my last night(thank God!) and i cant wait to go home to be with my husband... not much work to do so later i can take some nap, that is after we have our brekatime.

Posted by de2/cecil at 4:26 AM JST
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Tuesday, 18 November 2003

Preggy Sis

just printed my eldest sister's pictures together with her ultrasound. we were all happy to see what's inside her tummy! her baby would be a girl and from what i see on her ultrasound she has chinky eyes like her dad. i'm so happy for her and i keep on thinking when would i experience that kind of wonderful feeling of having a child. well since i already have a bf i guess after we get married we'll work it out immediately... he he he... anyway it's my last night tonight and on thursday me and ron will be going to their house coz its his mom's birthday. i wonder what gift would i give? and on friday i will render ot and hope to play badminton with marj

Posted by de2/cecil at 9:27 PM WST
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Monday, 3 November 2003

Family Reunion
well we just had our family reunion yesterday(nov.2) with tito bill's family, tin & ajie(w/ kids), tito carding, our family, tita neneng w/ kids minus tito jess, ron, tita susan & her boyfriend frank. we had a good time! we went to elizabeth's resort in laguna, the place is just ok not too beautiful. it has 3 rooms, 2 airconditioned 1 w/ fan with kitchen 1 big pool and videoke. our main menu was seafoods, crabs, inihaw na tahong, hipon, fishes, bagoong and inihaw na baboy- wow just thinking of it makes me hungry again! the kids were the ones who enjoyed the pool more while the adults just sang their hearts out. it was not really a good day for me coz i had a terrible cold with matching body pain. i only ate and slept while ron mingled with my family. we left the place at around 3:30pm we were all very tired! then just this morning tito carding already left for the province via cebu pacific and ron also went home. this is my first night at work i hope i can get some sleep! i still have a cold although not really that bad as it was yesterday.

Posted by de2/cecil at 8:54 PM WST
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