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Assamite Extras

Path of Blood

Rating Minimum wrongdoing for a conviction roll
10 Breaking your word of honor to a clanmate.
9 Failing to assist or avenge a clanmate; revealing clan secrets to outsiders.
8 Placing personal desires or ambition above duty.
7 Not killing a non-Assamite vampire when there is need.
6 Failing to pursue blood or knowledge in the face of minor danger.
5 Breaking your word of honor to a mortal.
4 Being disrespectful to clan leaders; not pursuing greater knowledge of Haqim’s teachings.
3 Failing to pursue vampire blood or knowledge of Caine when there is moderate danger.
2 Succumbing to frenzy.
1 Ignoring an opportunity to obtain vampire blood of a lower generation than your own, no matter what the cost.

New Merits and Flaws

Marijava Contact (1 pt Merit)
You have an ally who is a member of the Marijava ghoul family (see Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand), and can be called upon for a favor from time to time. Likewise your Marijava friend may call upon you for help occasionally. The clan is aware of this relationship and will normally grant you leave to help your ally (knowing that you have given your word to do so), provided that the clan's interests are not compromised in the process.

Unconquered Ally (2 pt Merit)
You have a friend and ally among the Unconquered. Your Unconquered ally may be called upon for assistance and may also enlist your support from ume to time. Naturally, neither of you may do anything which endangers your side of the clan without incurring the considerable wrath of your superiors.

Unconquered Enemy (1 pt Flaw)
You have an enemy among the Unconquered who will try to thwart your plans and may even try to destroy you if this can be done without being found out. Your enemy has been blackening your name, and as a result you find that all dealings with the Unconquered are at difficult.

Disgraced (2 pt Flaw)
You broke the laws of the khabar at some point during your training, and though you have since partially made amends (enough to prevent yourself from being destroyed on the spot, and to be grudgingly accepted as a rafiq), your name still bears the stain of your misdeed. All dealings with other Assamites are more difficult. Clearing your name will be a strong motivation for performing well in all respects while on an assignment.

Silsila Enemy (2 pt Flaw)
A member of the silsila has taken against you for some reason -- faction enmity, for example -- and will exert influence to thwart your chances of promotion, make sure you get difficult or inglorious jobs, and generally make your existence uncomfortable.

Du'at Enemy (4 pt Flaw)
During your apprenticeship at Alamut, you somehow incurred the displeasure of one of the du'at, and your existence will be considerably more difficult as a result. Your enemy is unlikely to be your direct commander (the caliph in the case of warriors), and you may not even know his identity -- though you may certainly try to find out and make your peace somehow.

New Secondary AbilitiesTalents

Clan Impersonation
This is the ability to imitate the characteristics of another clan sufficiently well to be mistaken for a member. It involves changes to behavior, knoledge of clan jargon and politics, and sometimes an element of physical disguise as well. Successful use of this skill (which is normally paired with Manipulation) will convince another Kindred that the character is a member of the imitated clan and not an Assamite.

* Novice: Fool anyone who hasn't had direct dealings with the clan
** Practiced: Fool anyone who is slightly familiar with the clan
*** Competent: Fool a clan neonate
**** Expert: Fool a clan ancilla
***** Master: Fool a clan elder

New Secondary Skills

This skill is required to use a blowgun accurately. This is a hollow tube of about 1/2" diameter, which may be anywhere from 1 - 6 feet long. It is used to fire darts, which cause little damage in their own right but they may be coated with drugs or poison
* Novice: Kid with peashooter
** Practiced: Class peashooter ace
*** Competent: Fool a clan neonate
**** Expert: Rainforest dweller
***** Master: Ninja

The garrotte does no damage on the first turn, but causes damage automatically thereafter if the victim does not break free. This is a strangling cord, about 2 feet long and made of any flexible substance from thin cord to electricle cable. Silk scarves have often been used a garottes, and so, on occasion, has wire. Wire is particularly unpleasant as it is thin enough to break the skin of the victims neck, severing blood vessels and the windpipe if pulled hard.
Because they do not need to breathe, Kindred do not suffer choking damage from a garrotte. It is posible to decapitate a victim with a wire garrotte, may be attempted during any round where the garotte is still in place.
* Novice: Street punk
** Practiced: Unarmed combat instructor
*** Competent: Special forces
**** Expert: assassin
***** Master:Ninja or Thuggee

Assamite Disciplines's

Level Six
Cleansing of Influence: By spending a Blood Point and touching a single subject with a droplet of her blood, the character can remove non-blood based influences such as Dominate.

Thin Blood: By spending Blood Points and touching an opponent with a blood-stained hand, the character can weaken the opponent's blood so that it cannot be used to heal wounds. This requires physical contact. One turn to one month.

Level Seven
Blood of the Cobra: This power enables the character to use any other Quietus power, such as Weakness or Diseased, without the need for physical contact. Instead, the character need only spit blood at the target.

Level Eight Blood Curse: By spending a blood Point and touching an opponent, the character makes the opponent's blood thin and weak. The opponent can no longer heal aggravated wounds at all, and two Blood Points are required to heal one level of non-aggravated damage. Furthermore, the character may no longer make ghouls, Embrace progeny or Blood Bond other Kindred. Physical contact required. Lasts from one turn to one month.

