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Generation and Bloodpool

Creature Bloodpool
Vampire 10-??
Werewolf 25
Average Human 10
Child 5
Dog 2
Cat 1
Plasma Bag 1
Rat 1/2
Bat/Bird 1/4

Generation Chart
Generation Trait Max Blood Pool BP/Turn
3rd 10 ?? ??
4th 9 50 10
5th 8 40 8
6th 7 30 6
7th 6 20 5
8th 5 15 3
9th 5 14 2
10th 5 13 1
11th 5 12 1
12th 5 11 1
13th 5 10 1

Trait Max: Max number of dots a vampire of this generation can have in any one Attribute or Ability.
Bloodpool Max: Max number of bloodpoints a vampire of this generation can store. Remember elders concentrate the vitae within them rather than swelling up with huge physical volumes of blood.
BP/Turn: Max number of bloodpoints a vampire of this generation can spend each turn.