Arcane Resistance (2,4,5pt Merit)
You have an inherent resistance to the rituals of one or more forms of magical rituals and practices, such as those used by the Tremere, Assamite sorcerers, Cappadocians or living wizards. For two points, you are resistant to a single form of magical practice (Assamite sorcery, Koldunic Sorcery, Mortis, any one school of mortal magic etc). For four pts, you are resistant to all magics of either the undying or living mages. For five pts, you are resistant to them all. You may never learn any form of magic.
Celestial Attunement (1pt Merit)
You have an innate link to the passage of time and the movement of the celestial bodies. You can estimate the time until sunrise or sunset within a minute or two, and you can follow the phases of the moon in your head. Those with some training in astrology and this Merit can even foretelll certain astrological conjunctions without charts. You can accomplish any of these feats with only a minimum of concentration.
Crusader (1pt Merit)
You once donned the crusader's cross and successfully returned from the Holy Lnnd, having done your duty to God, and those around you know it. This accomplishment gives you special standing and repute among the knights, lords and ladies who never made the journey. Jongleurs may request you share stories that they may turn into fanciful tales.
Weak Aura (2pt)
Your personality and outlook have relatively little unintentional effect on others. Your road aura is very weak, manifesting only if you are a true exemplar or reprobate of your belief system.
Potent Aura (3pt Merit or Flaw)
The power of your personality and outlook is such that it reaches out and affects others with disturbing ease. Others, be they mortals or vampires, get a powerful first impression of you. Your road aura is significantly more powerful than that of other vampires of your outlook. This trait is a Merit if your starting Road is 5 or more, and a Flaw if it is 4 or less.
13 Generation (2pt Flaw)
Your sire was of the 12th generation, long thought unable to sire. The fact that you rose from the dead may even have come as a shock to him, and it certainly concerns many elders who put stock in prophecy (in other words, most of them). You may be a clanless Caitiff or may carry your sire's clan, but you are likely seen as something less than proper among the High Clans. Thirteenth-generation vampires must at least take the Cannot Embrace Flaw, but almost all suffer from Weak Blood.
Apostate (2pt Flaw)
You have publicly recanted one of the vampiric roads in order to step onto your current one. Changing roads is not uncommon in the early years of unlife, but you have done so in an especially spectacular way--perhaps accusing your former faith of being false or ridiculing former teachers. You carry the stigma of traitor among your former fellow-travelers, while your new co-religionists still wonder if you are truly committed to their faith. You must work twice as hard to receive half the recognition of others.
Blood Madness (2-4pt)
The curse that the infernal Baali bloodline laid upon the Assamite warrior has fallen on your head, and you are plagued with an unending hunger for the blood of other Cainites. Whenever you taste Cainite, you can fall into a frenzy in which you will do anything to gorge upon as much blood as physically possible. If you follow a Road that teaches Instinct, you are instantly lost to this frenzy and the Flaw is worth 4 pts. This Flaw is found mainly among the Assamite Warrior caste. It is much rarer among socerers and viziers, only affecting those who have partaken of warrior vitae or who spend a majority of time associating with warriors. It is almost (but not wholly) unknown among the other clans.
Cannot Embrace (2pt)
Either due to your high generation or because of some other factor, you cannot pass on the Curse of Caine to another. It is altogether possible for a character not to know that she can't Embrace until a potential childe lies dead at her feet. This Flaw is common among the 12th generation. You can still create ghouls and blood oaths as normal.
Demon-Hounded (1-4 pt)
A demon from below has taken a special interest in you. It appears to you occasionally using threats, bribes or honeyed words to win you to its cause. Sometimes it just asks you to perform innocous favors. Sometimes it asks you to become its eternal servant. Sometimes it offers favors or information without any apparent catch. A minor demon (1pt) may be an annoying imp, incapable of doing anything more than distracting you, thieving small items and pleading for souls. A greater creature (4pt) is your physical equal, and it can concoct horribly devious plans to make you its slave.
Flesh Eater (4pt Flaw)
It is not enough for you to draw nourishment from the blood of mortals--you believe you must also consume your victim's heart, liver and other blood-rich tissue. Of course, this will necessitate the death of all your victims, which might lead to numberous problems with the herd and with your own conscience (and road). Characters with this Flaw must also take the Eat Food Merit.
Grip of the Damned (4pt)
There is no ectasy in your Embrace--only terror and pain. Mortals upon whom you feed struggle and shriek all the while as you attempt to feed, requiring you to grapple with them for as long as you wish to take their blood.
Initiate to the Road (1pt)
You are a newcomer to your chosen road of enlightment and have yet to face your first moment of truth upon it. Although you understand the road's tenets and teachings on an intellectual level, you haven't put them to the test against the Beast, so you cannot claim the mantle of a true adherent. You do not have the aura tied to your road but you have an easier time changing roads if you wish to do so.
Leper (2-3 pt Flaw)
Before you were Embraced, you suffered from leprosy or a skin disease that might easily be confused with leprosy. Your Appearance may be no higher than 2, and your flesh is marred by rashes, pale patches, festering sores and so on. For 3 pts, you condition is still contagious, although it cannot have any further effect on your unliving form. This Flaw is worth only 1 pt to Nosferatu, and then only if their is contagious.
Oath Breaker (4pt)
You are a known defector. You turned traitor to your former liege and you still have much to prove before you are accepted by the Cainites you defected to. Elders, ancillae and even neonates treat you with distrust and even hostility, and your reputation might even sully those whom you regularly associate with.
Outspoken Pagan Heretic (4pt)
You are either not Christian at all, or you are a follower of one of the heresies declared anathema by the Church, such as Cathars or Bogomils. Although Jews, Muslims and pagans are no strangers to Europe, they are subject to various forms of oppression and social stigma in a culture that is unbashedly Christian. Most non-Christians carry on (and thrive) by doing their best not to antagonize the Christian community in any way. They practice their rites in private, find econonic and social niches where they are tolerated or appreciated, and they watch for signs of bubbling hatred or resentment. Not so you. Either because of past "offenses" or current behavior, you are permanently branded a heathen--somewhere between unsavory and evil in the eyes of the Christian majority. Even among the undying you carry a black mark, especially among Christian followers of the Road to Heaven.
Ragged Bite (2pt Flaw)
Unlike most Cainites, you lack the ability to lick the wounds of your feed closed. Instead you leave punctures wounds in the flesh of your prey. These wounds have a 1 in 5 chance of becoming diseased.
Religious Prohibition (2-4pt Flaw)
You have retained your faith through the Embrace, and you suffer because your beliefs prohibit the drinking of blood you need to survive. You may have lived as a believer in Islam or Judaism (both explicitly ban blood-drinking) or even as one of the strict Cathar perfecti. For two points, you voluntarily restrict your feeding to animals or blood that has been drained by a ritual butcher. For 4, you refuse to feed unless it is an immediate necessity (blood pool is 3 or less), and even then, you may fall victim to depression and self-loathing for several nights after the forbidden act. Most vampires with this Flaw are on a version of the Road to Heaven, and they might also have the Outspoken Pagan/Heretic Flaw.
Weak Blood (5pt)
Your blood only carries a fraction of the power that is the unholy legacy of Caine. You may be a member of the despised 13th generation, a Caitiff or suffering from some other affliction, but your vitae does a poor job of powering your unliving form. All blood points are doubled (using blood-related Disciplines and healing), and you can never learn a Discipline above four dots. It also takes six drinks for a thrall to become oathbound to you, and you are incapable of creating ghouls or progeny. You cannot take the Cannot Embrace Flaw with this.