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The following is the listing of points each type of character is allowed. All start with one dot in each-Conscience, Self Control, and Control then add the points listed below for your particular character. (Unless your vampire is on a Path/Road of Enlightment, stats are at the bottom of the page for that.)
Vampire: 7 pts
Sabbat: 5 pts
Anarch: 7 pts
Ancillae: 10 pts
Elder: 7 pts

Conscience Rating
* Uncaring
** Normal
*** Ethical
**** Righteous
***** Remorseful

Self-Control Rating
* Unstable
** Normal
*** Temperate
**** Hardened
***** Total self-mastery

Courage Rating
* Timid
** Normal
*** Bold
**** Resolute
***** Heroic

Humanity Rating
Mortals also typically follow the Path of Humanity, though this is largely out of ignorance: They don’t know they can be anything else. As such, this mechanical system for morality rarely comes into play for them. Certainly, some mortals rapists, murderers and the like — have low Humanity scores, but they have no Beasts rolling within them, as do the Kindred. It is possible for a vampire with a high Humanity score to be more human than some mortals are!
X Monstrous
* Horrific
** Bestial
*** Cold
**** Unfeeling
***** Distant
****** Removed
******** Caring

Willpower Rating
* Spineless
** Weak
*** Unassertive
**** Diffident
***** Certain
****** Confident
******* Determined
******** Controlled
********* Iron-willed
********** Unshakable

Vampire with a Path/Road
* Steady
** Determined
*** Driven
**** Brutal
***** Completely self-assured

* Intuitive
** Feral *** Bestial
**** Visceral
***** Primal

A Character with a Path begins with 2 free dots, (Self Control and Courage). All character have seven points to spend, but must use points to buy the inhuman virtues to at least 1. Characters must begin the game with a Willpower of 5 or higher. And they can't have a Path/Road rating higher than 5.


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