Some of My Favorite Poems and Stories

*Grab a Tissue*

Reason, Season or Lifetime What I Learned From my Girlfriends Friendship The Patchwork Apron
Daddy's Day Pancakes Words of Wisdom About Friendship
The Power Of Friendship Stevie One Marble at a Time Look Deep Within
Learning To Listen I Believe- Footprints in the Sand Two Traveling Angels
Thoughts From Paul Harvey The Art Collection Mean Parents The Baggy Yellow Shirt
Jesus is in my Heart A Teacher's Story Lesson's To Think about Memo From God
Strength Of a Women Truths About Life The Rocks in Your Life When You Thought I Wasn't Looking
The Pickle Jar The Smell of Rain New Version of Footprints Carl's Garden
Puppies For Sale Grace at McDonald's Why we E-Mail Jokes Jenny's Pearls
Before I was a Mom 40 Valuable Lessons I've Learned An Anger Lesson A Poem Left from a Patient to the Nurses
I Asked God Lessons From Dogs Information Please A Glass of Milk

backrounds/bullet161.gif*A Big "Thank You" to My Friends who Helped me by sending these stories to me. Love you All!*


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