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Vanishing Bldgs

A concept drawing of the new Compuware World HQ. Is this the latest and greatest?? Photo from Compuware Website
The future site of the Compuware World Headquarters.
The first pre-fabbed panel for the new Compuware World HQ. Is this an actual building panel or is this just for show??
Most or all of the framework is being set into place.
Compuware starts to take shape in January 2002.
A shot from April of 2002; if all goes according to schedule, in the Spring of 2003 it will be completed!
The far eastern end of the Compuware Site downtown.
A shot from January of 2003; it's almost there! Click the pic for a LARGE view.
A shot of the Indoor waterfall from January of 2005; it's open! Click the pic for a larger version.
Another shot from January of 2005; it's there! Click the pic for a larger version.

Compuware World HQ