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Vanishing Bldgs

Once known as 'Fyfe Shoes', the lower floor is still a shoe store.
One of the oldest buildings in the city, the Fyfe Building.
The Fyfe and Mutual Buildings near the Theatre / Stadium District. Part of the Statler Hotel can be seen to the far left.
The Fyfe Building in an old illustration of Detroit. (It looks like the artist was on the Hudson's awning) Trivia: An airplane circling over the Fyfe Building struck a flagpole on top, then crashed through a house at Witherell and Montcalm. But fortunately, it missed the downtown crowds two blocks away.
The Fyfe Building's lower floors.
Another shot of the Fyfe and Mutual with the Central Methodist Church in back.
Another shot of the Fyfe and Mutual Buildings from the People Mover.
An old shoehorn from Fyfe's Shoes. Click the pic for a slightly larger version...

Fyfe Building (Fyfe Shoes)