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Vanishing Bldgs

A retired gentleman named Dmytro Szylak, who came to Hamtramck from the Ukraine right after WWII, put Hamtramck Disneyland together. It took him from 1997 or so until 1999 to put it all up. I came by here to snap a couple more pix and realized, OOPS!! FORGOT THE DAMN CAMERA!! Mr. Szylak and his wife came out and gave me a tour. I could have gotten some great pix from the backyard looking out. Several of the displays are wired-up and move when he flicks a switch. He also has lights and music wired-up. Scroll down for more!
This is Hamtramck's answer to Disneyland. It's a good thing this isn't in Detroit, the city would've plowed it down!!
Disneyland's artist has done a great service to the community and the neighbors love it!!
Hamtown Disneyland!! Never a dull moment here in Hamtramck!!
Come to exotic Hamtown Disneyland!! Book a vacation here right now through your travel agency!
A reverse angle of Hamtown Disneyland. All I can say is WOW!!
A group of school children on a field trip to Hamtown Disneyland.
The same group of school children on a field trip to Hamtown Disneyland.
A reverse angle of Hamtown Disneyland.
More Hamtown Disneyland.
More Hamtown Disneyland.
More Hamtown Disneyland.

Hamtramck Disneyland (Thanx to my Daughter Marina for most of these).