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Vanishing Bldgs

All your shopping, as well as medical and dental needs can be satisfied in Hamtramck. Click here for a panorama.
The Hamtramck shopping district. Hey, where is everybody??
Now it's starting to pick up a little.
A very old picture of the streeetcars that used to travel the streets of Hamtramck, as seen in Baker's Streetcar Bar window.
We stopped for breakfast at the Hamtramck Coney Island. Inexpensive and great food!!
2 angles of the statue of Pope John Paul II.
Next to the statue of Pope John Paul II is this mural.
This furniture warehouse is Hamtramck's tallest building. (or is it the Senior Complex on Holbrook?)
This grocery store caters to the old country needs of most Hamtramck citizens.
This Shopper's World used to be a Federals Department Store. Click here for a LARGER view.
Here is the original early 1900's shopping district.
Another shot of the original early 1900's shopping district.

Hamtramck Shopping District