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Vanishing Bldgs

Tau Beta Community House lies on Hanley Street in Hamtramck. Hamtramck Steve wrote: Tau Beta was (is?) a women's community service organization that worked to meet the needs of a community. They offered classes in Americanization, sewing, cooking, child care, english as second language, etc. They also established a community library in Hamtramck that was the foundation for the public library. Tau Beta members were typically the wives and daughters of the movers and shakers in the city.
The buildings in Hamtramck were built in the 1920's. They sat abandoned for decades until AJ Obie purchased them in the early 90's. Word is he refurbished them very nicely on the inside. Unfortunately, since Mr. Obie's death, the property has sat in limbo. Hamtramck Steve - Thanx for the info!
  • I also received an e-mail from John N. that said: I just finished looking through a lot of your site with Detroit Pix. I notice under the Hamtramck pics, you have photos of a building on Hanley street. you mention that it's a Tau Beta Community House. I thought you'd be interested to know that in the 1960s to the early 1980s, it was Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic High School. I should know. I went there and graduated in 1979. (continued on next pic).
  • (continued from previous pic). Across the street was the convent that housed the chapel where the students would attend Mass every Friday morning before classes. The main church was located about 1 mile north on Commor Street at McDougall, along with the grade school. Since then, both the grade and high school have moved to Warren, MI. The main church is still on Commor and is still one of the most beautiful churches in Metro Detroit. Check out the gorgeous painted murals inside sometime. Thanx John!
    The former Tau Beta Community House in Hamtramck is now known as the Hanley Street International Academy. Click the pic for a larger view.

    Tau Beta Community House