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Vanishing Bldgs

The Packard Plant is less than a mile from the GM Poletown Plant. Click the pic to view full size. Pic from Wayne State University.
Wouldn't it have been great if GM re-used the Packard Plant?
More Packard Plant.
More Packard Plant. Click here for a panoramic shot.
This part of the Packard Plant was used as an Arlans Department Store.
An old grocery store across from the Packard Plant.
The still active Packard Motel next door to the Packard Plant.
An old catwalk that once connected the Packard Plant.
The side of the Packard Plant.
An old factory up the road on Chene Street from the Packard Plant.
Another shot of the factory up the road from Packard.
A shot of the back of the Packard Plant.
A shot of the canyons of the Packard Plant.
Another angle...
An old house behind the Packard Plant.

Packard Motorcar Company - Part 1