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Vanishing Bldgs

An impossible picture to get - Kinsel's Drug Store on Michigan and Griswold. It was torn down to make way for a parking lot.
Kinsel's Drug Store in its heyday. The building to the left immediate left of Kinsel's? You guessed it - parking lot. Click here there's also a Christmas tree there, or so it appears.
What's left of Kinsel's Drug Store? The Kinsel's Hole - It's been levelled for a parking lot.
Looking at the Downtown Skyline toward the future site of the Millenium Parking Garage. (...AKA Hudson's hole - so, Hudson's was levelled for a parking lot.) If Detroit keeps knocking down its buildings, there won't be a need to park anywhere.
The Ameritech Building on the corner of Cass & Fort.
The doomed Cass Technical High School on Grand River, destined to become another parking lot for the future school building.
The bottom of the Metropolitan Building. Thanx for your e-mail Julia.
It was not the bottom of the Wurlitzer. It's the Metropolitan which is directly behind the Wurlitzer.
Here's another one of those wedge shaped corner buildings. It's called 'The Flat Iron Building'.
DTE energy resides in this building.

Kinsel's Drug Store & other Detroit Random Pix