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Located at 735 Randolph Street is the 23 story Water Board Building. Scroll down for more! Click the pic for a LARGE view.
The top of the Water Board Building catches some sun. The Water Board Building has been a familiar part of Detroit's skyline since October 1928. The Common Council provided $1 million in the 1927-28 city budget for a triangular-shaped building on a site bound by Randolph, Farmer and Bates Streets. Louis Kamper - a Detroit-based architect known for his work on the houses of prominent Detroiters as well as for Detroit landmarks like the Book Building in 1917, the Washington Boulevard Building in 1923 and the Book-Cadillac Hotel in 1924 - originally planned for a 14-story building. But, "because of the high value of the site, the Board decided that ? it would build a twenty story building?" Click here for some history of the BOWC and the DWSD.
Water Board Building
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