***Webmaster's disclaimer: Pokémon does not belong to empoftheworld. This story does, though. If you want to post it on your site, e-mail empoftheworld. Just click on "empoftheworld" on the fanfiction page. Thank you.

Author's Note: Hi, it's your friendly neighborhood dictator AKA empoftheworld. Here is part one of my revised fanfic. Send it to anyone and everyone, and give me your thoughts on it.

The Aerodynamic Pants
Episode One: Beginnings

As we arrive on the scene, we see a 15-year-old Ash Ketchum in another Pokémon battle. Fresh from a Pokémon League victory, Ash was on fire. He had just won five straight matches in the last two days. This battle seemed no different. This time his opponent was a 16-year-old black-haired teenager who seemed to be the typical veteran trainer.

"Go, Charizard!" shouted Ash as he released the Pokéball containing his choice. Out came a burly, mean-looking, dragon Pokémon.

"As I suspected," said the teen, smirking. "A Charizard, just typical of a junior trainer." "Cut the chatter," Ash yelled just as his opponent finished the remark, "Let's get on with the match."

"Okay, okay," said the teen as he released his own Pokémon. Out of his Pokéball came a large, fierce looking dog, an Arcanine.

"Charizard, tackle it now!" Ash barked. The Charizard then took off and flew directly at the Arcanine. For a split second, it looked as if Charizard would succeed in the attack, but at the last possible moment Arcanine dodged the attack in brilliant display of agility that Ash could have sworn looked like lightning. Due to that move, Charizard flew harmlessly past, slamming into a nearby tree and knocking it down.

"Good job, Arcanine," congratulated the teen, "Now, let's show that flying campfire some more of that speed. Quick attack!" At the same moment, a 17-year-old, spikey-haired boy stepped in to talk to Ash. "Be careful, Ash, this is a high level Pokémon. See that agility? That's as fast as an Arcanine will get," advised the boy.

"Don't worry, Brock, I'm the League champion, I can handle this. Charizard, fly! Now!" said Ash as he replied to his friend while barking orders. Charizard started to spread his great, leathery wings, but his reaction time was unmatched by the speediness of the lightning-quick Arcanine. Arcanine rammed head-on into the dragon Pokémon. A few seconds later, the Charizard fell to the ground in a useless heap, knocked out cold in one hit.

Ash just stood there dumbfounded, beaten, beaten by a common trainer. He was the League champion--how could this have happened?

"Charizard... return," said Ash downheartedly as he re-called his fallen companion. At that moment, Ash's opponent came over.

"Hi, the name's Kenny, you fight pretty well, the match might have lasted longer if your Pokémon hadn't hit the tree," said the teen to cheer Ash up. "Hey, wait a minute. You're Ash Ketchum, the guy who won the Orange League Winner's Cup right before I did." Then Brock came over.

"Hi, my name is Brock, do you have any connections with Officer Jenny or Nurse Joy?" asked Brock eagerly. Kenny never had a chance to retort. Suddenly, from behind, a hand came across and hit Brock square in the jaw. Brock collapsed on the spot. Then a 15-year-old girl stepped in.

"Hey, Misty!" greeted Ash.

"Hello, who's this?" said Misty, indicating Kenny. "Oh yeah, this is Kenny, a trainer I just met. Sadly, my Charizard was too tired, it was unfair."

"What's this I hear? Ash Ketchum, League Champion, lost a match?" asked Misty teasingly. Then Kenny interrupted to defend his new friend.

"Hey, Ash probably only lost because his Charizard slammed into a tree," said Kenny, indicating the fallen tree trunk a couple of feet from them.

"Anyway," said Ash, "Where's Pikachu?"

"Oh yeah, he's resting in my backpack," replied Misty. Kenny could tell by their tone of voice that Ash and Misty were in love. Then a postman delivered a letter addressed to each of them. They have been invited to a Pokémon trainer's convention on the world-renowned cruise ship, the Intrepid. The ship featured two Pokémon gyms, a dining room, passenger cabins and a deck that converted to a dance floor. After being thoroughly excited, the posse headed to Vermilion City, where the ship was anchored for a few days. On the way there, they met one of Kenny's friends. He was an exceedingly handsome, black-haired, 16-year-old teen named Paul. At first sight, Misty fell head-over-heels for Paul, who saved the day for Ash by telling Misty that he already had a girlfriend.

As they entered the city, a beautiful sixteen-year-old girl came running and threw herself into Paul's open arms. "Hey, Paul! You’ve been gone for so long, I almost didn’t recognize you," said the girl. "Yeah, Grace, I’m glad to be back," Paul replied. In the background, we see Misty with a jealous look on her face. After touring Vermilion, they checked into a hotel for the night. In the morning, they got dressed and met at the lobby. To Kenny’s dismay, everyone noticed his unusually tight pants.

"They’re aerodynamic," Kenny argued. Then they were off to the ship. Once inside, they were amazed at the wonders contained within the luxury liner. Kenny and Ash immediately headed for the gym to scope out future opponents.

About an hour later, they watched a mysterious hooded trainer defeat six opponents in a row. Now Ash was up to snuff. A few minutes later he put his foot in his mouth. Ash went down like a rock. Eventually it was Kenny’s turn to battle.

"Before I concede to this fight, I need to know your name," Kenny asked.

"Fine," said the figure as he started removing his hood. "The name is Gary." Ash was dumbstruck.

"All righty, then," Kenny said. "Let’s get it on," and the battle begun. It was a three-on-three match, standard rules. Kenny’s first choice was a massive one--out of his Pokéball materialized the ever-enormous Snorlax. In turn, Gary selected his Rhydon. Although the battle was fierce, Kenny managed to pull off a victory. Next was a match between Kenny’s Poliwrath and Gary’s Nidoqueen. After a long, drawn-out match, Poliwrath collapsed onto the floor. Now it was down to the final round. Kenny and Gary both selected their Arcanines. It was now just a battle of the fittest. In the end, Kenny’s Pokémon was too quick for Gary, and Kenny won the match. As they finished, the ship was suddenly rocked and a voice familiar to Ash and Gary boomed over the speaker. From that, they heard the infamous Team Rocket motto recited over the ship’s P.A. system. It was Jesse and James, up to their antics again.

"Don’t even try to attack or escape now," said Jesse.

"Yeah," James said, "We’ve rigged the boat to explode on our command."

"Meowth, thaaaaat’s right!" said their feline companion. "Now, we are heading east where you can all turn over your Pokémon."

Kenny knew why they were heading east. He explained to everyone that to the east was the United States. California had finally been hit by the Big Earthquake, which happened in the year 2001. Los Angeles and the entire San Gabriel Valley had been turned into a small island where disorder and chaos ruled and about everything was legal. There, they could be sold as slaves. A few towns that still had laws were civilized, but they were scattered across the less-developed areas where crime lords took no interest. Little did the rest of the gang know that Kenny, Paul, and Grace were from Los Angeles. Ash, Misty, Brock, and their new friends were in for the fight for their lives.

***Webmaster's Note: This has been edited for spelling and grammar, not content.

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