Who shot JFK - The Killers are finally exposed!!

On November the 22nd, 1963, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th President of the United States was murdered in Dallas (Texas). I have been investigating the murder of the American president for many's a year now and ave compiled a vast volume of evidence in which I have concluded the following theory... It pissed me off to know that the one Irish American President that slipped through and got elected got a bullet in da head! This is the story of how a secret unit of Cumminist operatives in New Orleans planned and executed the Assisination of our beloved President. You will see that this highly dangerous group was lead by a well known childrens entertainer named "Elmo", We will expose Elmo's dark past and expalin in great detail how the Assisination was pulled off

This Mug shot was taken in 1959 when Elmo was arrested in New Orleans after a raid on the local Communist party (That he heads) revielled a vast arsonal of Automatic Weapons and explosives destined for Cuba. Elmo was sentenced to seven years in a Federal Prison, but was mysteriously released after serving only three months!!

The above picture was taken after Elmo was released form Prison - A remorsless Elmo wasted no time in re-organising his Gang.....

FBI Intelligance (or lack there of) recorded that Elmo visitied Cuba at least three times between 1960 & 1961 and also to Canada for unknown reasons, But the following communist anti-American material was intercepted by special agents at a kindergarden school in the Midwest...







There is not much know about other members of Elmos elite killing team, and we probably will never know We have heard various theory's concerning the third shooter on the Knoll - but we have evidence that proves that it was actually Elmo.. Take a look at the following images and make up your own mind for youself




Make up your own mind about Elmo, but we think that he killed our Prsident and has gotten away with it.. now he is a trusted childrens character on TV, The question should be this - Is Elmo turning our Kids into Little Communists??
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