Over IM conversations, emails and Chats, we have all said some pretty humorous stuff - so here is some of it. Hope you find it as funny as we did... Some of this might be the 'You had to be there' humor.
First things first: Quotes from the Gear Wars
"And another thing, I wouldn't go around advertising "your gear". You may have a cute butt, John Danziger, but I don't think we're even seen you with your shirt off, have we? My sweetcheeks (Morgan) on the other hand ... So, don't advertise unless you're willing to display the goods. And there ends the lesson for the day kiddies." - Jan at the beginning of the Gear Wars
"Now I don't want to know. Just go on and make dirty jokes." - Leo on her nonunderstanding of the Gear Wars.
"My poor cat is blushing now!" - Heather on the Gear Wars
Here is a few others to make you smile: The players talking about the Characters
- "Hey, to be honest I have no clue ether." - J.P. on how to Role Play Online at the start of the game. There is good leadership for ya.
- "Have to threaten her with a loaded Koba... :)" - Sarah on Heather's cuteness as True
- "I haven't thought it through yet...just leaving myself an option" Bob on Magus' obsession with Fire wood.
- "I think you need to invest in a punch bag" - Tasha to J.P. on her violence as Danziger towards Gaal.
"It is worrying me that I have seemed to disrupt the peaceful nature of you" - Tasha to J.P. on how much she enjoys her violence as Danziger towards Gaal.
- "Your fist better hurt, it was my rough face!" - J.P. to Tracy after she complained that Alonzo's fist hurt from hitting Danziger
- "Then he could tell his grandkids about the time he took his life into his hands by pushing the great John Danziger into the lake" - Tracy on Alonzo, if he had also thrown Danziger into the lake.
- "It must be the fruit" - Bob on Cameron's voice returning.
- "Alonzo definitely need some warming of the special kind *g* after all, it must have been more than 3 hours." - Manu, enough said.
- "How Shakespearean!" John on the Jaarli/Gaal relationship.
- "Baines deserves some brain sucking, after that crack about kids." - Bob on having the Bats attack Baines.
- "I shall savor every moment off blinding hate I have towards you!" - Fin to Sarah on becoming Daamer.
- "What we've got here is a serious Sunset Beach, on another planet" - Finlay, no need to explain.
- "Cover your heads! They go for the brain!" - Ginger as O'Neill about the "Bats" of E2.
- "Thats very far out! I'll be glad to, there won't be out of wedlock sinful sex going on in my camp!!!!! - John on the idea of Julia and Alonzo being wed, Tracy added, "Don't forget Devon and Danziger!".
- "Hey, if it's not earth, can you have an earthquake? Wouldn't it technically be an earth2quake?" - Katie (Temporarily the Elder)
Here are two from the so called "Friendly War" begin by John on his comment that we all look like our Characters
- "I do not look like Morgan!" Mandy at the beginning of the Friendly war.
- "Are you sure that first drawing is Clancy and not you?" - Mandy to J.P. upon seeing the Clancy Brown Art Page, continuing the friendly war.
"Grrrrrrrrrrr." J.P.'s reply.
IM conversations - this is why they tell you never to take it out of content!
- "Clancy Brown is like the definition of manly - you look it up in the dictionary or at dogpile.com and there he is "Manly: Clancy Brown." - J.P., some things are better left unexplained.
- "*spit* to conflicts. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest their armpits." - Sarah words to Egroups about it's slowness.
- "Superior feminine intellect at work, oops...who typed that?" Bob, like I said some things are better left unexplained.
- "Oh, go on then - but then I really must go before I have to sign divorce papers...." - Sarah on staying online too late.
- "Although they could have ate morgan. kill two birds......" Tasha on an alternative ending to SOTF.
- "Hey I'm stripping in the MED-TENT, not in the middle of camp." - Tracy speaking of a typo on Alonzo's location as he changes clothes
- "Manu: "Alonzo stripping for Gaal..., *wonders if Gaal would like that*"
J.P. "I bet he would - have you ever seen Rocky Horror?" - Same day as above.
- "I didn't think you would mind and we ass need to be there." - Tracy and she meant ALL.
- "Hey, I got your pepperoni right here!" - Tracy, ummmm?
- "I'll get out the virtual soap!" - Tracy on foul mouthed IMs
- "Great! I love to make people pee themselves" - J.P. when making a certain someone who shall remain nameless leave her computer to go to the bathroom.
- "Got some plans rattling around in my head" - Tracy on the game, hey we knew something had to be up there.
- "I have been involved with E2 to long...my spelling is degenerating. I'll be a Grendler before long and drool on my keyboard" - Bob.
- "Very goooooooooodddddddddd, darn who put the glue on the keyboard?????" - Leo, She is just too cute.
- "I have PMS and a handgun. Any questions?" - Sarah, Any Questions?.
- "another Christmas...and the mistletoe is useless again" - Bob, well he is Bob.
- "That way you get to blast me to pieces, I and you get to die a slow, painful death!" - Echo and I - don't know, but she scared me!
Comments on the list
- "They taste good?" - J.P. when asked by Jan what she knows of Grendlers.
- "What about cruelty to humans? Especially a certain ponytailed bureaucrat? Is she against that too? That would come in handy on occasion...." - Mandy on Honus' Animal Rights beliefs..
- "I'm not like the others, I'm nice." - John on Jan's men jokes.
- "So now we got a woman, played by a man, chasing a man, played by a woman?" Mandy on Magus and Baines relationship.
- "Calm down.. please do remember you have an 8 and 10 yr. old here.. Shame on you" - Heather on the "Short Shorts" conversation.
- "Trust me, Jan is NOT the only one to watch out for around here." - John, we may never know.
- "Be careful what you say here, and for Gaal's sake use a spellcheck!" Leo's advice to a newcomer.
- "Finally, I am not alone." John on Craig joining, the only other male to play a male.
- "Sure, John, and my name is Tinkerbell and I have glittery wings and a wand just filled with magic pixie dust." - Jan on John's statement of how he would never comment on our typos again. Oh how soon he forgot.
Typos: More to come, I'm sure!
- "sorry, she pooped out of my head again" - Leo, we may never know.
- "Your eyes still hurt, right?" - Mandy on her eye piercing shrieks.
- "oiss, how much of that have you got in you?" J.P. to Tracy when she informed her the Kurgan soundwav scared the oiss out of her.