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 Ferrari International News

Welcome to Ferrari International News Section!


News of Our Site:


This section was created to explain everything that’s going on in the club with more details and aside from that, there will also be contests, free stuff, and links posted here along with the news. Finally, I encourage everyone to be involved in the activities that we are going to post here.

News of the Week For March 27,2000:

These are our first news, huh? No one will be able to see what I wrote here until 27th of March, but that’s OK. So a lot of things took place during the previous and the weekends and this week. For one thing everything was redesigned, absolutely everything. Our old web page is still available and you can view it right here, but only for a limited period of time all because of we have a limited space on the Angelfire’s server and we have to delete as much of the old stuff as we can. So enjoy while it’s still there. Let me tell you first the main reason why I redesigned the whole web site. First of all, if you took a look in the counter, yes we did have visitors, but they didn’t stay for a while. Why? Because there was too much reading and not enough general information. You see part of these news is going to include tips on Web Design and the main thing that visitors look for in your page (as you all know it) is for it not to be long. If it’s long, then it takes more time to download it, especially when it includes the pictures. That’s why I visited the site called the Web Site Garage in which they rated my site. The rating I got were pretty bad. I found out that some of the browsers don’t even support my page. That was terrible to hear. Then there were the rating of every single feature on the web site… Man, did I get a kick out of that when I saw it. The Web Site was no good and needed improvements. I told myself, that even though it is going to take about a month, it’s worth it! So for the next month I was busy building this web site. Now you understand why there were no improvements on the web site? I hope you do… The next topic that I want to briefly talk about will be the Photo Album and the mailing list. About the Photo Album, it needs revision because it takes too much time to download. We either need thumbnails displayed or caption links. What do you think? Drop a line for me in the Forum. I’d appreciate it. Next, about the mailing list. Folks, did you ever notice that professional web sites have a mailing list coming out once a month or even more frequent than that? I want to do the same. In about a month you will see a link called “Subscribe to the Mailing List” right here in the News section. When you click on it, it would take you directly to the sign-up form. All you have to do from there is fill out the questions that they will ask you and you’re going to receive a confirmation letter. Simply reply with a blank message to join the mailing list. Once you do that, you’re automatically enter and stay tuned for upcoming letters. But it’s too early to talk about that, don’t you think? The final topic that I would like to discuss are the opportunities available right here in the club. The opportunity that’s available right now is creating polls. Folks, we are really in need of those gadget. Anyone who can create them will be greatly thankful. What we’re looking fro in the polls are the following: First the poll needs to include radio buttons to make sure that people would vote on one choice only. Second, the poll needs to display any kind of graph of the results of the current votes so far. That’s it. You can be as creative as you want with this ;-) If you’re still confused, send an email to, the person in charge of the News section. That’s it for this week. This section will be updated in two weeks. See you then!!! Also we’re planning to move to the V3 URL sometime in about 2 months. We will inform you once we decide to do that. Until next week!

Thanks for reading!






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©2000 Victor Sapozhnikov

                                                                   Last updated: March 28, 2000