8/16/00: Opening Day for [RFAS]
8/16/00: First post in the Public Forum
8/16/00: Halo is favored by press
8/17/00:Tribes2 includes everything a gamer needs to make a guild.
8/16/00:Halo movie (small)5.6mb
8/16/00:Halo movie (medium)11.6mb
8/16/00:Halo movie (large)26.6mb
8/16/00:Bungie CEO on Halo3.8mb
8/16/00:E3 Trailer
8/16/00:GameSpot's Second 'Unofficial' Halo Movie
8/16/00:GameSpot's First 'Unofficial' Halo Movie
Last two movies lead to halo.bungie.org's video
RFAS Statement of Purpose
These three rules contain all we need to stay together and have fun:
RFAS was designed for one, all-important purpose: To have FUN playing TF2, T2, or Halo. In order to have fun, we play and practice as a group, and, when we participate in a League we work as a group towards a common goal and/or enemy-- this is our first golden-rule: to have fun, and do what it requires to have fun.
However, we scorn things that inhibit our fun. This includes cheating, exploiting, insubordination, not following direct orders on purpose, or general flaming. We just want to have fun: anyone who spoils it can't join us in it-- this is our second golden-rule.
One of our most important ideals, however, is that the success of the group is more important than the triumph of the individual. When we all win, it's a helluva lot more fun than when only one of us wins...this is our third golden-rule.
These three golden-rules provide everything you need to stay a productive, polite, and kick-ACE member of RFAS. As "1337" as RFAS is, it was made just to have fun. So, as good as we become, remember these three golden-rules, and you'll ensure the clan's permanent stability in the TF2, T2, and Halo communities.