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Lesson 12

Frame an Image
Slower loading:
This page graphic intensive!


et's take a look at a new way to frame an image. In this section we are going to use a table to frame an image. You may be surprised at what we come up with. First, take a look at this picture with no frame.

ow, we'll put a small frame around it by setting the border to 3 and the background color to red. And this is what it looks like. The border is gray because we have not set a color here. You will notice that the width and height of the image have been set to assure faster loading.

To do the same, this is how you write it:  

<TABLE Border=3 bgcolor="#FF0000">
<IMG SRC="images/falls.jpg" WIDTH=350 HEIGHT=228 BORDER=0>

lright so next let's add a border color around it. Make it black. Also change the size of the border to 15, that way our picture will now appear to have a frame around it.

This is how you write the coding for the above frame:  

< TABLE BORDER=15 bgcolor="#FF0000" bordercolor="#000000">
<IMG SRC="images/falls.jpg" WIDTH=350 HEIGHT=228 BORDER=0>

ooking good, huh? In the example below, I have added a Table Row and colored its' border sort of orangy-yellow.  

This is how you write it:  

<TABLE BORDER=15 bgcolor="#FF0000" bordercolor="#000000">
<TR bordercolor="#ffcc33">
<IMG SRC="images/falls.jpg" WIDTH=350 HEIGHT=228 BORDER=0>

You can use 'bordercolordark' and bordercolorlight' to make the frame sort of 3D. Below I used a darker and lighter blue with the background color set to white.

Here is the source:

<TABLE BORDER=15 bgcolor="#FFFFFF" bordercolor="#000000" bordercolordark="#330099" bordercolorlight="#00ccff">
<TD><IMG SRC="images/falls.jpg" WIDTH=350 HEIGHT=228 BORDER=0></TD></TR></TABLE>

The only difference in these two pictures is that in the one above I did not add a bordercolor in the <TR> tag and below I did. And as you can see, I made it white. Thus it has a more solid border around it. You can play around with your borders for different effects and add your own frames using tables.

Here is the code:

<TABLE BORDER=15 bgcolor="#FFFFFF" bordercolor="#000000" bordercolordark="#330099" bordercolorlight="#00ccff">
<TR bordercolor="#FFFFFF>
<TD><IMG SRC="images/falls.jpg" WIDTH=350 HEIGHT=228 BORDER=0></TD></TR></TABLE>

hat's it for today, guys! Now it's your turn. Go on and make some tables!

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