Use this Dropdown Box to find a quick
link to the page you are looking for.

Okay, for the exercise, open up Notepad and write the basic structure for a web page. Add a title and in the BODY, simply write "HI!" without the quotation marks. It is already done for you below, so just look and copy if you need to. Then save it as an html file. To do that in Notepad, name your page. Let's call it page1.html. Where Notepad says "save as", you should see that it says text document. Change that to all files. Then if you've written page1.html in the box, save it to your desktop. It is important to have the .html part on the end of it. You now have your first web page and it could be uploaded to the web. Go to where you saved it and click on it. You should see your title on the blue bar at the very top and your page should say "Hi!".

<TITLE>My new web page!</TITLE>

Now back to Lesson 1

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